The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement
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586 B.C.: Babylonian conquest and exile, 14, 96, 231–232
722 B.C.: Assyrian conquest and exile, 14, 96, 232
1654: Jews arrive at New Amsterdam (New York), 47, 189, 236


A. D. 70: Second Temple destruction, Diaspora, isolation, revilement 15, 96, 232; no country to defend, no need for military force (or skill) 59
A. Harris & Company, 270–271, 273, 275 “a la carte” Jews, 404–405
A. M. Turing Award, 38–39
Aaron, Daniel, 168
Abbott, Bud, 126
Abbott, Senda Berenson, 85
Abel, Elie, 101
Abrabanel, Isaac, 205
Abraham, (Avram): historical importance of, 27; Covenant and land grant to, 230–231; assertiveness, protests to God, 13, 343, 389; “chosen people” and the Covenant, 381; being different, following God’s commands, 392; Exhibit 2b, 419
Abraham & Straus, 18, 262, 264, 275
Abraham, Abraham, 264
Abraham, Edith, 264
Abraham, Judah, 264
Abraham, S. Daniel, 76, 310–311; Exhibit 8a, 451 (with Ewa); Exhibit 21a, 511
Abrahams, Harold, 88
Abramowitz, Bessie, 20
Abrams, Dan, 174
Abrams, Hiram, 141, 150
Abramson, Leonard, 319–320, 377
Abramson, Madlyn, 320
Abrikosov, Alexei A., Exhibit 3a, 420
Abromovich, Roman, 292
Abzug, Bella, 351
Academy Awards for Best Picture, 140
accountability, choice, and action as cultural values, 387, 405
Achtenberg, Roberta, 351
Ackerman, Gary, 75
Ackerman, Paul, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475
activists, Jews as, 93, 116, 237, 343–353, 394–395
actors (actresses), Jews as, 114, 116, 118, 141, 154, 156, 158, 173, 288–289
Adam, Adolphe, Exhibit 2a, 414
Adams, Joey, 126
Adelson, Sheldon, 317; Exhibit 21a, 510
Adleman, Leonard M., Exhibit 3f, 429
Adler, Alfred, 17, 54
Adler, Major General Julius Ochs, 61
Adler, Mortimer, 55
Adler, Robert, 44; Exhibit 4a, 434; Exhibit 4b, 442
Advance Publications, Inc., 107
Adventures of Augie March, 94
advertising and Jews, 335
advice columnists, Jews as, 104
affirmative action and Jews, 46–47, 51–52
Africa Israel Investments (AFI), 291, 304
Agnon, Shmuel Yosef, 98–99; Exhibit 10a, 459
agriculture (See farmers, Jews as) Agronsky, Martin, 101, 174
Akerlof, George A., Exhibit 7a, 449
Albany Medical Center Prizes, 34
Albert, A. Adrian, Exhibit 3e, 428
Albert, Kenny, 86
Albert, Marv, 86, 174
Albin, Linda, 174
Albom, Mitch, 100
Albright, Madeleine, 76; Exhibit 22a, 514
Alcott, Amy, 87
Aleichem, Sholem, 99
Alexander, Jason (née Scott Greenspan), 174; Exhibit 13d, 505
Alexander, Les, 86
Alexander, Shana, 100, 174
Alexander the Great, 232
Alferov, Zhores I., Exhibit 3a, 420
Alfond, Harold, 301
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 110
Algren, Nelson, 99
Alinsky, Saul, 20, 101, 352
Allen & Company, 149, 214
Allen, Charles, 214
Allen, Herbert (Sr.), 149, 214
Allen, Herbert A., 214
Allen, Herbert Jr., 214; Exhibit 21a, 512
Allen, Marty, 126–127
Allen, Mel, 86, 174; Exhibit 14a, 507
Allen, Paul, 182–183
Allen, Tim, 174; Exhibit 11m, 485; Exhibit 13d, 503
Allen, Woody, 126, 157–158, 314; Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 501; Exhibit 13d, 503
Allied Stores, 269, 275
Alpert, Herb, 123; Exhibit 11g, 476
Alrosa, 290
Altman, Benjamin (B. Altman), 266–267
Altman, Sidney, Exhibit 3c, 424
Alzado, Lyle, 82
Amberg, Louis, 364
Amerada Hess, 19, 197, 325–326
American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 18, 151, 162, 165–166, 173, 184
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 349
American Federation of Teachers (AFT), 347
American International Group (AIG), 193–194, 211, 240
American Mathematical Society (AMS), 38
American Oil Company, (AMOCO), BP/Amoco, 19, 324–325
American Revolution, financier of, 228
American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO), 190, 328–329
Amir, Yigal, 353, 365; Exhibit 23c, 520
Amsterdam, Morey, 126, 174
anarchism, anarchist(s), Jews as: effect on U.S. immigration policy, 189; adoption of, in lieu of Jewish faith, 235; Emma Goldman, and reaction to, 237; Noam Chomsky and 338–340; history of 345–346 anderson, Broncho Billy (Max “Bill” Aronson), 125
Anfinsen, Christian B., Exhibit 3c, 424
Angier, Natalie, 100
Anglo American Corporation, 293–294, 331–332
Animal Rights International, 352
Annenberg, Leonore, Exhibit 21a, 511
Annenberg, Moses, 108
Annenberg, Walter, 108, 169
Ansin, Edmund, Exhibit 21a, 512
anthropology, and Jews, 53
anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism: author’s perspective, 11–12; legal and social prohibitions in force against Jews prior to arrival of Jews in North America and their Emancipation in Europe, 23, 203; effect on Jewish education in the Pale, Ivy league quotas, 47–48; at Princeton and Dartmouth, 50; in today’s academia, 57; in academia during the Depression, 65; strength between 1913 and 1949, post 1950s decline and effect on Jews elected to Congress 75; alleged effect on Jewish golfers, 87; discriminatory laws in the Pale of Settlement, 130; Oberammergau Passion Play movie in 1910, 141; Walt Disney and, 151; Saul Bellow’s The Victim, 93; Soviet’s views verses Nazis, 176–177; rise in late 1800s, Henry Ford, Sears, Roebuck 1928 to 1954, 189; effect on Jews as CEOs in early 1900s, 190; and today, 198; “wandering Jews,” the price to be paid for rejecting Christ, 233; Emancipation, the Dreyfus affair, 234; more moderate levels in America, reaction to Emma Goldman and activist immigrant Jews, 236–237, 382; Albert Greenfield and, 273; Stalin’s policies after Israel’s creation, Doctors’ Plot, 286, 289, 344, 356; Judus Iscariot and, 354; Russian history of, oligarchs 358; recent reduced levels, concerns posed by Bernard Madoff scandal, 366; financial frauds and, 367; Web search results for “Mega” and members’ names, 378; effect on Jews working in large organizations, 392; Jews’ support for the underdog and justice 394; Jewish Emancipation, Enlightenment and, 395; late 19th Century German anti-Semitism and the “Jewish Awakening,” 398–399; effect on commitment to fellow Jews and culture, recent resurgence in Europe, 402–403, 408
apathy: about Jewish cultural values, 400; secularism and, 404; 406
Apax Partners (née Patricof & Co. Ventures), 222
Apollo Management, L.P. & Apollo Real Estate Advisors, 219
apparel industry, ready-to-wear and Jews: history and Jewish prominence in , 18–19, 191–192; industry history and individual profiles, 195, 225, 279–282, 296–301; entrepreneurial opportunities, 392
Applebaum, Anne, 100; Exhibit 10c, 462
Apt, Jay, 63
Aptheker, Bettina, 349
Arad, Yael, 88
Arbus, Diane, Exhibit 12c, 490–492
Arcadia Group, 277
architects (Master), Jews as, 134–135
Archstone-Smith, 249–250
Arden, Elizabeth, 18
Arendt, Hannah, Exhibit 22a, 514
Ariel, David S., 386
Arison, Micky, 86, 318; Exhibit 21a, 510
Arison, Shari, 318
Arison, Ted, 317
Arison family, 378
Arlen, 258
Arnall, Roland, Exhibit 21a, 512
Arnold, Tom, 126
Arnold, Vladimir, Exhibit 3e, 428
Arnot, Robert, 174
Aronson, Bill (Broncho Billy Anderson), 125
Arpel, Adrien, 303
Arquette, David, Exhibit 13d, 504
Arquette, Patricia, Exhibit 13d, 504
Arquette, Rosanna, Exhibit 13d, 505
Arrow, Kenneth, 52, 67; Exhibit 7a, 449; Exhibit 7b, 450
Arthur, Bea, 174
Arthur Frommer, 113
Arthur Murray Dance Studios, 321
art, visual and artists, Jews as artists:
emergence of, 129–132; in Russia, 287–288
Arts and Entertainment Channel’s Biographies of the Millennium (A&E), 26
Asher, Barry, 87
Ashkenazi Jews, 130, 384–385
Ashkenazy, Vladimir, 120
Ashman, Howard, 122; Exhibit 11e, 473
Asimov, Isaac, 99, 112
Asner, Ed, 174; Exhibit 14b, 508
Asser, Tobias Michael Carel, 78; Exhibit 8c, 457
assertiveness and verbal skill as a cultural value, 389, assimilation by Jews: cultural values to discourage, 12, 14; on Broadway, The Jazz Singer as metaphor, 121, 137–139; Diaspora’s threat and rabbinic response, 232–235, 259–261, 355; Mega and, 376–377; canonization of Jewish Bible, emergence of the Talmud, requirement for education and literacy as means to avert, 384; unique Jewish cultural values to avert, 393; anti-Semitism as a force discouraging, 395; cultural values and effects of Jewish Emancipation and Enlightenment on secularization, 401–402; current forces encouraging, 404, 406
Associated Dry Goods, 271, 275
Assyrian conquest, 14
astronauts, Jews as, 62–63
Attell, David, 126; Exhibit 11m, 485
Auburn, David, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 10e, 464
Auerbach, Arnold J. (“Red”), 85
Auerbach, Berthold, Exhibit 2a, 414
Auerbach, Frank, Exhibit 12a, 486
Aumann, Robert, 68; Exhibit 7a, 449
Aurora Gas, Aurora Oil, 19, 255, 327–328
Ausmus, Brad, 83
Automatic Data Processing (ADP), 19, 332–333
autonomy and independence as Jewish cultural values, 41, 110, 111, 112, 351, 373, 391–392
Avedon, Richard, Exhibit 12c, 490–492
aviation and Jews, 58, 62–63
Avicebron (ibn Gabirol), Exhibit 2a, 414
Ax, James B., Exhibit 3e, 428
Axel, Richard, Exhibit 3b, 422
Axelrod, George, 102
Axelrod, Julius, Exhibit 3b, 422
Ayer, Alfred, Exhibit 2a, 417
Azaria, Hank, Exhibit 13d, 505

• TOP •


B. Altman, 266–267
Babel, Isaac Emanuilovich, 99; Exhibit 2a, 416
Babylon, Babylonians and Babylonian exile, 14, 96, 130, 232
Bacall, Lauren, 158; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 13d, 504; Exhibit 13e, 506
Bache & Company, 215
Bache, Jules S., 215
Bachi, Amando, 60
Bacharach, Burt, Exhibit 11l, 484
Bacow, Lawrence S., 57
Baer, Larry, 84
Baer, Max, 86
Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph von, Exhibit 3c, 425
Baeyer, Johann von, Exhibit 2a, 414
Bahr, Morton, 347
Bain, Barbara, 174
Bal Shem Tov, 401
Balaban, Barney, 141
Balfour Declaration, 78, 202, 236
Ballmer, Steve, 19, 181–183, 193, 198; Exhibit 21a, 510
Balthus, Exhibit 12a, 486
Baltimore, David, 65; Exhibit 3b, 422
Baltz, Lewis, Exhibit 12c, 491
Bamberg, David (Fu Manchu), 127
Bamberger, Louis, 267
Bamberger’s (L. Bamberger and Company), 267
Banco Safra S. A., 215
Bar Kokhba revolt, 232
bar mitzvah, bat (or bas) mitzvah, 64, 73, 389
Barad, Jill, 313
Barak, Ehud, 352
Bárány, Robert, Exhibit 3b, 423
Barbera, Joseph, 147
Barenboim, Daniel, 119; Exhibit 11b, 468
Bari, Judi, 352
Barkin, Ellen, Exhibit 13d, 505
Barnard College, 50, 210, 241
Barnato, Barney (née Barney Isaacs), 293
Barnes, Clive, 104
Barneys New York, 18, 280–282
Baron, Ronald, Exhibit 21a, 512
Barr, Roseanne, 126, 174–175; Exhibit 11m, 485
Barrett, Rona, 174
Barron, Herman, 87
Barshefsky, Charlene, 76
Bart, Lionel, Exhibit 11f, 474
Barton, Harris, 82
Baruch, Bernard, 19, 69, 223
baseball, MLB Hall of Fame, Jews in , 84
Basic Books, 112
basketball, Jews in, 20, 84–86
Basketball Hall of Fame (James Naismith), 85
Baskin, Burt, 306
Baskin-Robbins, 18, 306
Bass, Ralph, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475
Beadle, George, Exhibit 2a, 416
Bear, Joseph, 210
Bear Stearns & Co., 194, 208, 210, 216, 223, 249
Beck, C. C., 104
Becker, Boris, 87
Becker, Ernest, 100; Exhibit 10c, 462
Becker, Gary, 17, 52; Exhibit 7a, 449; Exhibit 7b, 450
Becker, Herman, 60
Beckhardt, Fritz, 60
Beckmann, Max, 131; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 12a, 486
Bed Bath & Beyond, 18
Begin, Menachem, 77–78; Exhibit 8c, 456
Belkin, Steven, 86
Bellagio Hotel, 316
Bellow, Saul, 92, 92–96, 98–99, 381; Exhibit 10a, 459; Exhibit 10b, 461
Belmont, August, 215
Belo, Abram and Lescha, 92
Ben & Jerry’s, 18, 306–307, 310
Ben Bridge, 295
Benacerraf, Baruj, Exhibit 3b, 422
Ben-Gurion, David, 28, 325; Exhibit 2b, 419
ben Zakkai, Yochanan, 401
Benaroya, Jack, 258
Benenson family, 249
Benioff, Marc, 187, Exhibit 15a, 509
Benjamin, Judah P., 75
Benjamin, Richard, 153
Benjamin, Robert, 150
Benmosche, Robert, 193
Bennett, Michael, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Benny, Jack, 126–127; Exhibit 11m, 485; Exhibit 14a, 507; Exhibit 14b, 508
Benson, Ray, 125
Bentley, Elizabeth, 357
Benzer, Seymour, 35
Berenson, Lori, 348–349
Berezovsky, Boris, 359–360
Berg, Carl, 257; Exhibit 21a, 512
Berg, Gertrude (Molly Goldberg), 172; Exhibit 14a, 507
Berg, Paul, 36; Exhibit 3c, 424
Berg A. Scott, 100
Bergdorf, Harman, 265
Bergdorf Goodman, 265, 270
Bergen, Candice, 214
Berger, Sandy, 76
Bergman, Jules, 174
Bergreen, Bernard D. (and Barbara), Exhibit 8a, 452
Bergson, Henri, 54, 98, 99; Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 10a, 460
Berkley, Shelly, 75
Berkman, Alexander, 340, 345
Berkowitz, David (“Son of Sam”), 365, 409; Exhibit 23c, 518
Berle, Milton, 126–127, 174; Exhibit 11m, 485; Exhibit 14b, 508
Berlin, Irving, Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 11f, 474; Exhibit 11i, 481; Exhibit 11l, 484
Berliner, Art, 272
Berman, Chris, 86
Berman, Howard, 75
Berman, Jack, 73
Berman, Len, 86
Berman, Meyer A. (and Patricia N.), Exhibit 8a, 452
Berman, Robert, 219
Berman, Shelly, 126
Bernanke, Ben, 66, 70, 71
Bernbach, William, 335
Bernhard, Sandra, 126; Exhibit 11m, 485
Bernhardt, Sarah, 141
Bernheim, Lt. General Louis, 60
Bernstein, Abe, Exhibit 23b, 517
Bernstein, Al, 86, Bernstein, Bonnie, 86
Bernstein, Carl, 101
Bernstein, Leonard, 119–121; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11b, 468; Exhibit 11c, 471; Exhibit 11f, 474; Exhibit 11l, 484; Exhibit 14b, 508
Bernstein Brothers (the “Purple Gang”), 364
Beser, Jacob, 61
Bess, Hyman, Exhibit 3e, 428
Bethe, Hans, Exhibit 2a, 417; Exhibit 3a, 420
Bettelheim, Bruno, 54
Bettman, Gary, 83
Bienen, Henry, 57
Binder, Otto, 104
Biouw, Hermann, 133
Birch, Thora, Exhibit 13d, 504
Birmingham, Stephen, 47, 236
Biro, Lazlo, (and brother, Georg), 44–45; Exhibit 2a 417; Exhibit 4a, 433; Exhibit 4b, 441
Birthright Israel, 292, 311, 317, 377, 399–400
Bischof, Werner, Exhibit 12, 490–492
Bischoffsheim, 207
Bischoffsheim & Goldschmidt, 223
Bischoffsheim, Clara, 223
Bishop, Joey, 126
Bissett, Enid, 301
Bix, Herbert, 100, Exhibit 10c, 462
Black, Eugene R., 70
Black, Jack, Exhibit 13d, 505
Black, Leon, 219; Exhibit 21a, 510
Black, Lewis, 126, Exhibit 11m, 485
Black Plague, 11
black voting rights and Jews, 348
Blackstone Group, 19, 216–217, 250, 315
Blackwell, Chris, Exhibit 11g, 476
Blanc, Mel, 104
Blank, Arthur M., 82, 196–197, 278; Exhibit 21a, 512
Blankfein, Lloyd, 209
Blaustein, Jacob, 19, 325
Blaustein, Louis, 19, 325
Blavatnik, Leonard, Exhibit 21a, 510
Blech, Rabbi Benjamin, 366
Blinder, Alan, 69
Blitzer, Wolf, 174
Bloch, Ernest, Exhibit 2a, 415
Bloch, Felix, 32, 53; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3a, 420
Bloch, Henry 322–323
Bloch, Julius, 283
Bloch, Konrad, 34; Exhibit 3b, 422
Bloch, Leon, 323
Bloch, Richard, 323
Bloom, Allan, 55, 92, 95, 100
Bloom, Harold, 100, 104
Bloom, Jeremy, 82
Bloom, Stephan G., 393
Bloomberg, Michael, 19, 227; Exhibit 21a, 510; Exhibit 24b, 527
Bloomberg LP, 19, 208, 227
Bloomingdale, Alfred S., 266
Bloomingdale, Hiram, 266
Bloomingdale, Irving, 266
Bloomingdale, Joseph, 266
Bloomingdale, Lyman, 266
Bloomingdale, Samuel, 266
Bloomingdale’s, 18, 264, 266–267, 275, 298
Bluhdorn, Charles, 111, 142
Bluhm, Neil G., 238, 255–256; Exhibit 21a, 511
Blum, Manuel, Exhibit 3e, 429
Blum, Richard, 73, 220
Blum Capital Partners, 220
Blumberg, Baruch S., Exhibit 3b, 422
Blume, David, 128
Blume, Judy, 99
Blumkin, Rose, 295
Boas, Franz, 17, 53, 340
Bocher Memorial Prize, 38
Bock, Jerry, 102, 122; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Boesky, Ivan, 214, 366–367, 409; Exhibit 23d, 522; Exhibit 23e, 524
Bohr, Niels, 17, 20, 26, 32, 33, 53; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 2b, 419 (Hart & A&E); Exhibit 3a, 421
Bolsheviks and Jews 287, 343–344, 355
Bomberg, David, Exhibit 12a, 486
Bonham Carter, Helena, Exhibit 13d, 503
Book-of-the-Month Club, 110–111
book publishers, Jews as, 110–113
Boorstin, Daniel, 55, 100, 371, 388, 408
Borge, Victor, 126; Exhibit 11a, 467
Born, Max, 53, Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3a, 420
Borscht Belt, 314
Borsheim, Louis, 295
Borsheim’s, 295
Bosley, Tom, 174
Boston Properties, 251
Botstein, Leon, 57, 119
Bott, Raoul, Exhibit 3e, 428
Botvinnik, Mikhail, 90
Boublil, Alain, 121–122; Exhibit 11e, 473 (two plays); Exhibit 11f, 474
Boudin, Kathy, 349
Boudreau, Lou, 84
Bourke-White, Margaret, Exhibit 12c, 490–492; Exhibit 22a, 514
bowling and Jews, 87
Boxer, Barbara, 74–75
boxing and Jews, 86
Brandeis, Louis, 17, 77, 237, 346, 362; Exhibit 8b, 455
Brandeis University, 216, 279
Brassai, Gyula. Exhibit 12c, 490–492
Brauer, Richard, Exhibit 3e, 428
Braun, Jack, 79
Braun, Ryan, 83–84
Braun (Lichtenstein), Evelyn, 79
Brazeau, Emile, 128
Brecker Brothers, Exhibit 11h, 479
Brecker, Michael, 124; Exhibit 11h, 478 (eight Grammys) Brecker, Michael Quindectet, Exhibit 11h, 477
Brecker, Randy, Exhibit 11h, 479, (two Grammys) Bren, Donald, 238–239; Exhibit 21a, 510; Exhibit 24b, 527
Brenner, David, 126, 174
Brenner, Sydney, 54, Exhibit 3b, 422
Brentano, August, 283
Brentanos, 283
Breuer, Josef, 54; Exhibit 2a, 414
Breuer, Marcel, Exhibit 12d, 495
Breslow, Craig, 83
Breyer, Stephen G., 77; Exhibit 8b, 455
Brice, Fanny, 115–116, 126, 172
Bricklin, Dan, 184
Bricusse, Leslie, Exhibit 11e, 473
Bridge, Ben (Bryczkowski), 295
Bridge, Bob, 295
Bridge, Bobbe, 295
Bridge, Ed, 295
Bridge, Herb, 295
Bridge, Jon, 295
bridge players, Jews as, 12, 20, 91
Brin, Sergey, 19, 181–182, 187; Exhibit 15a, 509; Exhibit 21a, 510
British Home Stores (BHS), 277
Broad, Edythe, 240; Exhibit 24b, 527 (with Eli Broad, see below) Broad, Eli, 238, 240; Exhibit 21a, 510; Exhibit 24b, 527 (with Edythe Broad, see above), 170–171, 187
Broadway musicals, Jews and, 119, 121–122
Broch, Hermann, Exhibit 2a, 415
Brod, Max, Exhibit 2a, 415
Broder, David, 101
Broderick, Matthew, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Brodkey, Harold, 99
Brodkin, Herb, 172; Exhibit 14b, 508
Brodsky, Joseph, 98–99; Exhibit 10a, 459
Brodsky, Julian A., 168
Brody, Tal, 85
Bronfman, Charles, 309, 376–377
Bronfman, Edgar, 143, 147, 309, 366, 377; Exhibit 21a, 510
Bronfman, Edgar Jr., 143, 170, 309
Bronfman, Samuel, 308–309
Bronfman, Samuel II, 309
Bronstein, Phil, 101, 107
Brookner, Anita, 99
Brooks, Albert, 126; Exhibit 13d, 504
Brooks, David, 101, 388
Brooks, Geraldine, 99; Exhibit 10b, 461
Brooks, James L., Exhibit 13a, 498
Brooks, Mel, 121, 126, 314; Exhibit 11f, 474; Exhibit 13d, 504
Brooks Brothers, 261, 269, 297
Brooks Camera, 283
Brothers, Joyce, 174
Brotman, Jeffrey, 279
Brown, Dr. Michael S., 34–35
Brown, Herbert C., Exhibit 3c, 424
Brown, Himan, 172; Exhibit 14a, 507
Brown, Larry, 85
Brown, Michael S., Exhibit 3b, 422
Brown, Tina, 109
Bruce, Lenny, 126; Exhibit 11m, 485
Brunswick, John M., 87
Buber, Martin, Exhibit 2a, 415
Buchalter, Louis, “Lepke,” 362–364
Buchwald, Art, 104
Bucksbaum, John, 253–254
Bucksbaum, Martin, 249, 253
Bucksbaum, Matthew, 238, 249, 253; Exhibit 21a, 510
Bucksbaum, Maurice, 249, 253
Buffett, Warren, 193, 209, 212, 225, 295, 301, 378
Building Management Company and Wembly Management Co, 244
bullfighters, Jews as, 90
Bund, 343–344, 347
Bunshaft, Gordon, 135, 135, 247; Exhibit 12d, 496
Burlington Coat Factory, 281
Burns, Arthur, 65, 70–71
Burns, George, 126–127, 174, 314; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11m, 485; Exhibit 14b, 508
Burrows, Abe, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Burton, Lance, 128
Bush, Solomon and Lewis, 60
Business Week’s “50 Most Generous Philanthropists,” 17, 239, 375 378
Buttons, Red, 126, 172, 174
Bychkov, Semyon, Exhibit 11b, 468

• TOP •


C. E. Unterberg Towbin, 215
Caan, James, 158; Exhibit 13d, 504
cabinet and senior U. S. government posts, Jews in, 75–76
Caen, Herb, 104
Caesar, Sid, 126–127, 174; Exhibit 14b, 508
Cahners, Norman, 109
Cahners Publishing, 109
Cal Tech, 30–1, 53, 221
Calvin Klein (the Company and brand), 18, 296–297, 299, 300
Calvin, Melvin, Exhibit 3c, 424
Campbell, Neve, Exhibit 13d, 504
Canaan, 96, 204, 230–2
Canary Wharf, 256
Canetti, Elias, 98–9; Exhibit 10a, 459
Cann, Kidd (Isadore Blumenfeld), 364
canonization of the official list of books in the Tanakh (Jewish or Hebrew Bible), 96, 233, 259–260, 398
cantor, 121, 137–9, 145
Cantor, Bernie, 213
Cantor, Eddie, 126, 174; Exhibit 14a, 507
Cantor, Georg, Exhibit 2a, 414
Cantor, Eric, 75
Cantor, Mickey, 76
Cantor, Naomi Etta, 137
Cantor Fitzgerald, 213
Cap, Al, 104
Capa, Cornell, Exhibit 12c, 491
Capa, Robert, Exhibit 12c, 490–492
Capernaum, 130
Capon, Admiral Augusto, 60
Capone, Louis, 364
Capra, Frank, 148–149, 155
Cardin, Ben, 75
Cardozo, Benjamin, 17, 247; Exhibit 8b, 455
Carl Marks & Co., Inc., 225
Carlisle, Kitty, 174
Carlyle Group, 222, 306
Carmis, 207
Carnegie, Hattie (née Henrietta Kanengeiser), 297
Carnival Cruise Lines, 18, 317–318
Caro, Sir Anthony, Exhibit 12a, 486
Caro, Rabbi Joseph, 97, 401
Caro, Robert, 100
Carroll, Cynthia (née Blum), 332
cartoonists, Jews as, 103–104
Casden, Alan I., 238, 256; Exhibit 21a, 512
Casden Properties, 256
Cassel, 207
Cassin, Rene, 78; Exhibit 8c, 456
Catskills, 314
Caxton Associates, LLP, 19, 218
Cayne, James, 210, 223
CBL & Associates Properties, 251
Central Selling Organization, 293
Cerf, Bennett, 110
Cervantes, Miguel de, 99
Chabad, 289
Chabon, Michael, 99; Exhibit 10b, 461
Chafets, Zev, 291–292
Chagall, Marc, 129–132, 132, 287; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 12a, 486; Exhibit 12b, 489
Chain, Sir Ernst Boris, 17, 34; Exhibit 2a, 417; Exhibit 3b, 423
Chandler, Jeff, 158
Charnin, Martin, Exhibit 11e, 473
Charpak, Georges, Exhibit 3a, 420
Chateau Lafite Rothschild, 202
Chateau Mouton Rothschild, 202
Chayefsky, Paddy, 99, 172; Exhibit 14b, 508
chemistry, chemists, Jews as: 16–17, 32, 35–6, 38, 53, 77–78, 98; Grove, 177–181; Matz, 320
Chernin, Peter, 152, 168
Chernow, Ron, 100, 212
Cheryakhovski, General Ivan D., 61
Chess, Leonard, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475
chess players, Jews as, 20, 90–1
Chicago Seven, 350
chief executive officers (CEOs), Jews as: 18–19; high tech, 180–187; Fortune 500, 188–198
Chomsky, Carol Doris (Schatz), 338
Chomsky, Elsie (Simonofsky), 337–338
Chomsky, Noam, 17, 54, 100, 337, 337–42, 345, 353, 388–389
Chomsky, William (Zev), 337 “chosen people:” selected by God, 10–11, 13, 204, 381, 396; tikkun olam, to heal a broken world, involving a duty to humanity, 343, 374, 381, 394
Christ (Jesus): Jews as Christ killers, 11–12; importance, influence of, 20, 23, 25–27, 382; Capernaum, Jesus home, 130; Christ and usury, 205; Jewish population at the time of, Jewish renewal following Babylonian and Assyrian conquests, 232, 400; Judus betrayal of, 354; willingness to be different, to defy conventionality, be tenacious, 393; Exhibit 2b, 418–419 (Hart and IntelliQuest) Chubais, Anatoly, 359, 361
Churchill, Winston, 25
Chutzpah, 115, 126, 389, 408
Cinerama, 156
Citigroup, Citicorp, 193–194, 198, 208, 211, 212, 334
city dwellers, Jews as an urban people, 48, 235–236, 287, 384–385, 389–390
City Stores, 273–274
Claiborne, Liz, 298
Clark, General Mark, 61
classical music and Jews, 119–121
Clay, Andrew Dice, 126; Exhibit 11m, 485
Clechanover, Aaron, Exhibit 3c, 424
coaches, athletic, Jews as, 20, 82, 85, 90
Cobb, Lee J., 158
Cochran, Hardy and Harpending, 384–385
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), 186
Coen, Edward, 154
Coen, Ethan, 154, 155, 157; Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b 500, (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 502
Coen, Joel, 154, 155, 157; Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b, 500, (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 502
Coen, Rena, 154
Coen brothers (See above, Coen, Ethan and Coen, Joel) Cohanim, DNA sequences, 384
Cohen, Abby Joseph, 209
Cohen, Arthur, 258
Cohen, Audra, 87
Cohen, Ben, 306
Cohen, Herbert, 100
Cohen, Larry (bridge player), 91
Cohen, Larry (Communications Workers of America, President), 347
Cohen, Leonard, 123; Exhibit 11g, 476
Cohen, Mickey, 364; Exhibit 23b, 516
Cohen, Myron, 126
Cohen, Paul Joseph, 53; Exhibit 3d, 426; Exhibit 3e, 428
Cohen, Rich, 362–363
Cohen, Scott, 88
Cohen, Stanley, Exhibit 3b, 422
Cohen, Stanley N., 35, 44; Exhibit 4a, 432; Exhibit 4b, 442
Cohen, Steven, Exhibit 21a, 510
Cohen, William, 76
Cohen Hatfield Jewelers, 224
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude, Exhibit 3a, 420
Cohn, Al, Exhibit 11i, 481
Cohn, Bella, 148
Cohn, Bernard, 271
Cohn, Ferdinand, Exhibit 2a, 414
Cohn, Harry, 148–149, 154
Cohn, Jack, 148
Cohn, Joseph, 148
Cohn, Linda, 86
Cohn, Max, 148
Cohn, Nathan, 148
Cohn, Roy, 313
Cohnheim, Julius, Exhibit 2a, 414
Cohon, Jared L., 57
Cohon, Mark, 82
Coleman, Norm, 74
Coles, Robert, 100; Exhibit 10c, 462
college and university presidents, Jews as, 57
Collins, Jackie, 100
Collins, Joan, 174
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 18, 147, 152, 164–168, 194, Columbia Pictures, 140, 148–149, 214
Columbia University, Columbia Law School, 48, 53–55, 57, 65, 70, 99, 107, 110, 169, 219, 221–2, 224, 228–229, 246, 252, 326, 333, 348, 349, 384
Comcast, 18, 147, 150, 168–169, 193, 285
Comden, Betty, Exhibit 11a, 467
comedians, Jews as, 103, 118, 121, 126–127, 156, 314
Comfort, Alex, 100
Comissiona, Sergiu, Exhibit 11b, 468–469
commentators, Jews as, 101, 228
commissioners of sports, Jews as, 20, 82–83
Communications Workers of America (CWA), 347
Communism, Jews and (See also:
Marx, Carl, Russia, Stalin, and Soviet Union): economics, Karl Marx, and Soviet failures, 52, 69; Jacob Schiff and, 210; Jews of Pale adopting, 235; Emma Goldman and, 237; appeal of early Soviet Union to Jews, 286–7; decline of appeal over time, 288– 289; Leviev’s overturning of, 293; Noam Chomsky’s rejection of Marxism 338; Marx and the history of, 344–345; Jews spying for, 354–358; as party leaders, 383; Jews as leaders both for and against, 388
Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA), 326, 344, 357
Community Action Agencies (CAAs), 352
community organizing, Jews and, 352
composers, music, Jews as, 23, 27, 116, 119–121
Conant, James Bryant, a meritocracy to select students at Harvard, 49
conductors, symphonic, Jews as, 12, 13, 17, 118–121
Congress, United States, Jews in, 17, 73, 74–76, 209, 220, 262, 271, 276, 329, 333, 346, 351
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 347
Connelly, Jennifer, Exhibit 13d, 505
Connick, Harry Jr., 124; Exhibit 11h, 477 (two Grammys); Exhibit 13d, 504
Consolidated Foods, 308
constructive confrontation at Intel, 178–179
Consumer Electronics Trade Show (COMDEX), 317
contributions, political by Jews, 76
Cooper, Leon N., Exhibit 3a, 420
Copland, Aaron, 120; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11c, 471; Exhibit 11d, 472
Copperfield, David, 128
Corey (“Professor”) Irwin, 126
Cori, Gerty Theresa née Radnitz, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3b, 423
Cornell University, 30, 55, 57, 186, 194, 196, 197, 335
Cornfield, Bernie, 367; Exhibit 23d, 522; Exhibit 23e, 524
Corwin, Norman, 172; Exhibit 14a, 507
Corzine, Jon, 209
Cosell, Howard, 86, 174; Exhibit 14b, 508
cosmetics, Jews in, 301–303
Costco/Price Clubs, 278–279, 283
country music, (see music, country, Jews in), 125
Country Music Hall of Fame Awards, 125
court Jew(s), court factor(s), superior court agent(s), 200, 206, 212, 223
Covenant, 230–231, 352, 381, 391–392
Cowen, Joshua Lionel, 312
Craig, Jenny (Genevieve Guidroz Bourcq), 312
Craig, Sidney, 312
Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB), 208, 212
CreditAnstalt Bank, 202
crime, Jews and, 73, 334, 347, 356–358, 361–364, 365–368
Crist, Judith, 104
critics, Jews as, 104
Cronenberg, David, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500
Crosby, Norman, 126
Crown, Arie, 227
Crown, Henry, 226–7
Crown, Ida, 227
Crown, Irving, 226
Crown, James, 227
Crown, Lester, 227, 377; Exhibit 21a, 510 (and family) Crown, Sol, 226
Crown Publishing Group, 112
Crystal, Billy, 126, 158; Exhibit 11m, 485; Exhibit 13d, 503
Cuban, Mark, 86, 170–1, 187; Exhibit 21a, 511
Cukor, George, 149, 157; Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 501–502 (two films) Culbro Corporation (née General Cigar Co.), 191
Cullman, Joseph, 190
cultural values, achievement, and Jews: need for, importance of, adverse consequences of creating and maintaining a unique culture, 12; synopsis of selected Jewish cultural values, 13–15; Gordon Gee quote, 46; David Landes on the importance of, 69; Saul Bellow’s observations, 94; Diaspora, scholarly culture of Pharisees, commitment of Oral Law to written form thus preserving debates in writing, attendant need for literacy, mandatory education, 96–7; Elizabeth Hardwick on, 109; Broadway musicals, assimilation and, 121; humor, 126; Warner brothers’ clash over cultural meaning of The Jazz Singer, 139; Andy Grove as one representation of,180; Meyer Rothschild’s family business creed, 204; Jewish rationalism and pragmatism in finance 204–205; the urban culture of Diaspora Jews, 235–236; canonization of the Hebrew Bible, creation of Talmud, mandatory education, consequences of literacy, skills as merchants, 259–61; tribal ties, religion, language, and “kin” facilitate trust, 293; synopsis, 386–396; shifting currents, changing values, and threats, 398–406
Cumming, Ian, 225, Exhibit 8a, 451
Cummings, Nathan, 308
Curie, Marie and Pierre, 22–23, 32, 36; Exhibit 2a, 415 (Marie Curie was not Jewish) Curtis, Jamie Lee, Exhibit 13d, 504
Curtiz, Michael, Exhibit 13a, 499; Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501–502 (two films) Cy Young Award, 80
Cyrus the Great, 232

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Dalitz, Moe, 364
Damrosch, Leopold, Exhibit 11b, 468
Damrosch, Walter, Exhibit 11b, 468
Dan, Steely, 123
Dana, Bill (“Jose Jiminez”), 126
Danes, Claire, Exhibit 13d, 503
Dangerfield, Rodney, 126; Exhibit 11m, 485
Darion, Joe, Exhibit 11e, 473
Dartmouth University, 50–51, 56, 57, 251, 279
Dassault (née Bloch), Marcel, 63
Dassault, General Darius, 61
Dassault Aviation, 63
Dater, Judy, Exhibit 12c, 491
David, 86, 87, 88, 232
David, Larry, 126, 174
David-Weill, Michel, 211
Davidson, Ben, 82
Davidson, Bruce, Exhibit 12c, 491
Davidson, William, 85–86; Exhibit 21a, 510
Davis, Al, 82
Davis, Bernard G., 108
Davis, Clive, 123–124; Exhibit 11g, 476
Davis, David Brion, 100; Exhibit 10c, 462
Davis, Gregg, 328
Davis, Jack, 328
Davis, Lanny, 50
Davis, Marvin, 145, 313, 328; Exhibit 8a, 452
Davis, Jr. Sammy, Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11l, 484
Davis, Susan, 75
Day-Lewis, Daniel, Exhibit 13d, 503
De Beers, 18, 202, 289–291, 293–294, 331–332
de Hevesy, George, Exhibit 3c, 425
de-Hirsch, Baron Maurice, 207, 223, 235
De Leon, Daniel, 343–344
De Leon, David Camden, 60
DeMille, Cecil B., 157; Exhibit 13b, 500
de Montaigne, Michel, 99
de Young, Charles and Michael, 107
deconstruction and Jews, 17, 94, 342
Delaunay-Terk, Sonia, 131; Exhibit 2a, 415
Dell, Michael S., 19, 181–182, 187, 193, 195, 197; Exhibit 15a, 509; Exhibit 21a, 510; Exhibit 24b, 527 (with Susan) Dell Computer Corporation, 19, 181–2, 193, 195, 197
DellaPergola report, 397, 399
Democrats (Jews as), 75
Dennis, Carl, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
department stores and Jews, 18, 188, 191, 261–277, 282, 302
Derrida, Jacques, 17, 54
Dershowitz, Alan, 17, 79, 342, 388
determination, drive, and Jews:
14–15; Dianne Feinstein and 73; Sandy Koufax and, 81; Saul Bellow and, 95; Barbara Streisand and 114, 116–118; David Sarnoff and, 160–164; Andrew Grove and, 176–180; Michael Dell and, 182; Larry Ellison and, 183–4; Jeff Skoll and, 184; 199, Stanley Marcus and, 270; Lev Leviev and, 289–293; as a family value, 391; valuing autonomy, independence, tenacity, skill and excellence, 391–392; risks of dilution of 403–406
Deuteronomy, 129, 204, 398
Deutsch, Peter, 75
Developers Diversified Realty, 251
Dexter Shoes, 301
di Abramos, 207
Diamond, Jared, 100; Exhibit 10c, 462
diamonds, jewelry retailing, and Jews, 18, 191, 202, 289–291, 293–296, 329, 331–332
Diaspora: history and effect on culture, religion, and literacy, 11, 14, 96–8, 232–233, 235, 398, 400; geographic spread of commercial opportunities, e.g., photography studios, 133; consequences for the Rothschilds and finance, 199– 204, 206; the end of, 237, 401, 403; retailing and, 259–61; recent commentators on, effect on education, IQ, and achievement, 384–385; verges and, 387–388; effect on urban character of, and careers pursued by Jews, 391–392
Diller, Barry, 19, 142, 151, 167, 181, 184–185, 285; Exhibit 14b, 508; Exhibit 21a, 512
Dine, Jim, 132; Exhibit 12a, 486
Diners Club, 266
directors of movies, radio and television programming, Jews as: 17; Streisand, 116; independent producer- directors and directors of, 154–157, 172–174; Zukor, 191; in Soviet Union, 288
Disney, Walt, 26, 140, 151, 166–167
Disney Company, 140, 142, 151–153, 166–167, 173, 189, 193
Disraeli, Benjamin, 99, 202
diversity, geographic, 47–50
DKNY, 298
Dobrowen, Issay, Exhibit 11b, 469
Doctorow, E. L., 99
doctors, Jews as (see also medicine):
Maimonides, 206 as; in U.S. 237; in Russia, 287–288; Armand Hammer, 326; education and consequence for becoming, 384, 392
Doctors’ Plot, 286, 289, 356
Dohrn, Bernadine, 350
Donen, Stanley, Exhibit 13c, 501
Donna Karan, 18, 296, 298
Donnenfeld, Harry, 104
Dorati, Antal, Exhibit 11b, 468–469 (four orchestras) Dorff, Stephen, Exhibit 13d, 505
Douglas, Jesse, 53; Exhibit 3d, 426; Exhibit 3e, 428
Douglas, Kirk, 154, 158; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 13e, 506 (two awards) Douglas, Michael, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Downey, Jr., Robert, Exhibit 13d, 503
Dove Bar, 18, 307–8
Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), 335
Dreamworks SKG, 140, 153
Drescher, Fran, 174
Drew, Elizabeth, 101
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 214, 219
Drexler, Mickey, 279
Dreyfus, Barney, 84
Dreyfus, Robert Louis, 300
Dreyfus, Richard, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Dreyfus affair (Captain Alfred Dreyfus), 234, 399
Drinfeld, Vladimir, Exhibit 3d, 426
Dryfoos, Orvil E., 105
Drucker, Peter, 333–334
Drudge, Matt, 101
Dubin, Al, 122; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Dubin, Glenn, Exhibit 21a, 513
Dubinsky, David, 20, 347
Duchin, Eddie (Eddy), 124
Duchin, Peter, 124
Duchovny, David, Exhibit 13d, 503
Dukas, Paul, Exhibit 2a, 415
DuPont Corporation, 188–9
Durant, Ariel, 100; Exhibit 10c, 462
Durst, Douglas, 243
Durst, Joseph, 242–243
Durst, Seymour, 243
The Durst Organization, Durst Family, 241–3
Dwork, Bernard, Exhibit 3e, 428
Dworkin, Andrea, 101, 351
Dylan, Bob, 28, 123, 349; Exhibit 2b, 419; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11g, 475; Exhibit 11l, 484
Dynkin, Eugene B., Exhibit 3e, 428

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E. M. Warburg, E. M. Warburg Pincus, 212
Earth First!, 352
Eastman, Monk (Edward Osterman), 361–362
Ebb, Fred, Exhibit 11e, 473 (two shows); Exhibit 11f, 474
eBay, 19, 181, 184–185, 222
Eckstein, Otto, 69
economics, economists, Jews as (See also Communism): overview, academics, awards, and Federal Reserve, 17; academia, 52; Milton Friedman, 64–67; Nobel prizes for, 67–68; John Bates Clark Medal, 68–69; Other prominent economists, 69–70; Federal Reserve, 70–71; Steve Friedman as President Bush advisor, 209; Peter Drucker as, 333; Noam Chomsky on, 339–340; early Israeli economy 344; David Landes on culture and economic development, 386; contrasting views of Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman, and those of Paul Ehrlich and Julian Simon, 388
Edelman, Gerald, 218; Exhibit 3b, 422
Edelman, Mark, 61
education as a Jewish cultural value (See also individual profiles for philanthropic support of education by Jews): success as a result of, 11; Diaspora as a spur, cost and benefits of, 14, 203, 260; prominence in academia, philanthropic support for, 17; Edwin Land support for, 43; Robert Kronstein quote, 46; history of Jewish enrollment in higher education, 46–50; current levels of enrollment, 50–52; academic leadership 52–55; faculty and administration roles 55–57; treasured survival skill for a culture, rabbi as scholar and leader, 97; Emancipation and Enlightenment spur secular education, but not in Pale, 130
234–235; Andrew Grove on, 180; requirement for high technology entrepreneurship, 180–181; education levels of Fortune 500 CEOs, 197; Rabbinic Judaism demands for literacy, 260; a spur for merchandising talent, 261; Rosenwald support for black schools 268, 370–371; Leviev’s support for educating Jews in former Soviet Union and U.S., 292–293; Israel Matz’ memoir featuring the importance of education in nineteenth-century Lithuania, 320; George B. Kaiser support for early childhood education, 327; disproportionate levels of educational achievement yields disproportionate representation in white collar jobs, as entrepreneurs, financiers, attorneys—and as financial criminals, 367; overall Jewish philanthropy directed to, 375, 378–379; education (and culture) versus second generation immigrant status as explanation of disproportionate achievement, 382–383, recent commentators on education, IQ, genes, and Jewish achievement, 383–386; as a vital Jewish cultural value, 389–390; possible future effects of growth of the ultra-Orthodox population and drains caused by assimilation, 404–406
Ehrenberg, Ilya, Exhibit 2a, 416
Ehrlich, Dorothy M., 349
Ehrlich, Paul, Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 3b, 423
Ehrlich, Paul R., 69, 388
Eilenberg, Samuel, Exhibit 3e, 428
Einhorn, Ira, 365; Exhibit 23c, 519
Einstein, Albert, 17, 20, 26–28, 32–33, 53, 56, 382–383, 393; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 2b, 418 (all four lists); Exhibit 3a, 421
Einthoven, Willem, Exhibit 3b, 423
Eisen, Rich, 86
Eisenman, Peter, 134–135; Exhibit 12d, 495–496
Eisenstaedt, Alfred, 133, 133; Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Eisenstein, Sergei, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500
Eisner, Kurt, 344
Eisner, Michael, 142, 151–153, 167, 189, 193
Elias, Samuel (“Dutch Sam”), 86
Elizabeth Arden, 18, 301
Elion, Gertrude B., Exhibit 3b, 422
Elliot, Mama Cass, 123
Ellis Island and Jews, 47–49, 303
Ellison, Lawrence ‘Larry,” 19, 181–183, 195; Exhibit 21a, 510; Exhibit 24b, 528
Ellsberg, Daniel, 352
Emancipation, Jewish—circa 1790— 1875, (See also Enlightenment and Reform movement): Napoleon’s role, spread of, dissolution of barriers, 15; Murray and Patai’s observations on emergence of prominent Jews as a consequence of, 20–24; as a spur for invention, 45; effect on Jewish military experience, 59–60; Enlightenment and Reform movements spur Jewish participation in the secular world, including visual arts, 130– 131; Rothschild’s role in pushing, the Napoleonic Sanhedrin, 202–204, 207; temporarily ends ghettos and permits Jews to own real estate, other rights arising from, 233–234; Nazism temporarily ends rights gained from, 236; with Enlightenment and Reform movement as a means to facilitate activism, 343; as spur for secular achievement in many domains, 381–383, 387, 395–396, 402
Embarrassments, Jews as, 368
Emanuel, Rahm, 75–6
Engel, Eliot, 75
Engelhard, Charles Jr., 331
Engelhard, Charles Sr., 330–331
Engelhard Industries, 330–331
Engels, Friedrich, 69
Englander, Israel, Exhibit 21a, 512
Enlightenment (Jewish), Haskalah (See also Emancipation, and Reform Movement): beginnings and effects, 15; spur to Jewish rise as inventors, 45; participation in secular musical forms, 122; visual art, 130–131; expanded role in international finance, 207; activism, 343; contribution to decline of traditional notion of “chosen” 381; secular modernism, 387; Jews as equals, acceptance of and invitation to participate with non-Jews in secular domains, 395–396, 402
Ensler, Eve, 102
entertainers and performers, Jews as, 26–28, 114–128, 157–158, 174–175
entrepreneurs, Jews as: preview, 18–19; Hollywood, 138–153; radio and television, 160–171; high tech, 176–187; finance, 199–229; retail, 259–285; jewelry, apparel, and cosmetics, 286–303; enterprise, 304–336; Russian oligarchs, 358–361; success as, and financial scandal, 367–368; consequences for philanthropy, 377–379
Epstein, Barbara, 109
Epstein, Eddie, 86
Epstein, Edward Jay, 293
Epstein, Hayden, 82
Epstein, Jacob, 131; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 12a, 486
Epstein, Jeffrey, 218
Epstein, Theo, 84
Equity Office Properties (EOP) & Equity Residential Properties (EQR), 248–250
Erdös, Paul, 17, 53; Exhibit 3e, 428, (two awards) Erikson, Erik, 17, 54
Erikson, Erik H., 100; Exhibit 10c, 462
Erlanger, Joseph, Exhibit 3b, 423
Ernst, Max, Exhibit 12a, 486
Erwitt, Elliot, Exhibit 12c, 491
Esperanto, 54
Essenes, 402
Estée Lauder, 18, 28, 301–302
Estrich, Susan, 174
ethical behavior, as a Jewish cultural value: God’s demand for, 13, 386–387, 405
eugenics, 48
Evans, Robert, 142
Ex-Lax, 320
Exodus (book of), 129, 204, 381

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F & R. Lazarus & Company, 264, 274–275, 280
Fabergé Inc., 303
Factor, Max (née Factorowitz), 302–3
Factor, Max Jr., 302–303
faculty members at colleges and universities, Jews as, 17, 51, 55–57
fading Golden Age, 397, 400–406
Fairbanks, Douglas, 141, 150, 158
Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, 18, 257, 314
Fajans, Kasimir, Exhibit 2a, 415
Falk, Peter, 158, 174; Exhibit 13d, 505
Faludi, Susan, 351
family, as a Jewish cultural value, 13, 179, 387–393
Famous Clothing store, 273
Famous Players studio (see also Jesse Lasky), 141, 191
Famous Players theaters, 168
Farissol of Avignon, 205
Farmar, Jordon, 85
farmers, Jews as: predominant livelihood before Diaspora, subsequent declines, predominantly an urban people from Middle Ages on , 14, 384–385, 389–392; proscriptions on land ownership, 206; de Hirsch support for, 223; back to the land movement, 235–236; as chicken farmers, 235; mandatory education and consequences for farmers, 260; 384–385, 389–392
Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 18, 111–112
Fast, Howard, 100
Fastow, Andrew, 366; Exhibit 23d, 521
Fatt, Arthur, 335
Favreau, Jon, Exhibit 13d, 505
Federal Reserve and Jews, 17, 66, 69–71, 105, 212
Federated Stores (née F. & R.
Lazarus), 18, 263–264, 266–271, 273, 274–275
Fefferman, Charles, 17, 53; Exhibit 3d, 426
Feigenbaum, Edward, Exhibit 3f, 429
Feinberg, Leslie, 351
Feingold, Russ, 74–75
Feinstein, Bertram, 72–73
Feinstein, Dianne (née Goldman), 72, 72–74, 220
Feinstein, Michael, 124
Feit, Walter, Exhibit 3e, 428
Feldberg, Max, 279
Feldberg, Morris, 279
Feldberg, Stanley, 279
Feldman, Burton, 68, 97
Feldman, Marty, 126
Feldman, Michael, 174
Feldman, Sandra, 348
Feldman, Scott, 83
Feldstein, Martin, 69; Exhibit 7b, 450
Felker, Clay, 109
fencing, Olympic, Jews in, 89
Feninger, Andreas, Exhibit 12c 491, 493
Ferber, Edna, 99; Exhibit 10b, 461
Ferkauf, Eugene, 283
Fettman, Martin, 63
Feynman, Melville and Lucile, 29
Feynman, Richard, 17, 29, 29–31, 32, 33, 53, 112, 381; Exhibit 3a, 420
Fiedler, Jay, 81–82
Fields Medal, 16, 36–38, 53, 67
Fierstein, Harvey, 102, Exhibit 10e, 464
Filene, Edward (E. A.), 188, 263–264
Filene, Lincoln, 263–264
Filene, William, 263
Filene’s, 263–264, 273, 275
Filner, Bob, 75
finance, financiers, Jews as: Mark Twain on, 16; prominence in history of finance, 18; Rothschilds, 199–204; history of Jews in finance, 204–207, profiles, 208– 229; helping finance Revolutionary War, 237; financing for merchants, 260; rationalism in charging interest for loans, 387; a career open to Jews, at times prohibited for others, 392, 402
financial crime, frauds, scams and Jews, 366–7
Financial Trust Co., (née J. Epstein & Co.), 218
Fine, Larry, 126
Fineman, Howard, 101
Finger, Bill, 104
Finizis, 207
Fink, Larry, Exhibit 12c, 491
Finkelstein, Edward S., 263
Finley, Murray, 347
Fire, Andrew Z. Exhibit 3b, 422
Fireman, Paul, 300
Firestone, Roy, 86
First, Richard, 258
Fischer, Edmond H., Exhibit 3b, 422
Fisher, Arnold, 242
Fisher, Avery, 322
Fisher, Bobby, 90
Fisher, Carl, 242
Fisher, Donald, 279
Fisher, Doris, 279
Fisher, Eddie, 174
Fisher, Franklin M., Exhibit 7b, 450
Fisher, Kenneth, 242
Fisher, Larry, 242
Fisher, Martin, 242
Fisher, Max, 239, 249, 255, 327–328, 377; Exhibit 8a, 452 (with Marjorie S.) Fisher, Robert, Exhibit 21a, 513
Fisher, Steven, 242
Fisher, William, Exhibit 21a, 513
Fisher, Winston, 242
Fisher, Zachary, 242
Fisher Brothers, 241–242
Fisher Radio, 322
Flatow, Alfred, 88
Flatow, Gustav, 88
Fleck, Bela and the Flecktones, Exhibit 11h, 479 (two Grammys) Fleischer, Ari, 101
Fleisher, Bruce, 87
Fleisher, Lawrence, 85
Fleisher, Leon, Exhibit 11a, 467
Fleisher, Max, 104
Flexner, Abraham, 17, 54
Flexner, Simon, Exhibit 2a, 414
Florsheim, Harold, 301
Florsheim, Milton, 300
Florsheim, Sigmund, 300
Florsheim shoes, 300–301
Flosso, Al, 128
Fogel, Robert, 52; Exhibit 7a, 449
Foote, Shelby, 100
Forbes 400, 18–19, 217, 218, 229, 238, 239, 246, 247, 248 249, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 298, 301, 304–305, 310, 320, 328, 367, 378
Forbes 400 (real estate), 238
Ford, Harrison, 158–159; Exhibit 13d, 503; Exhibit 13e, 506
Ford, Henry, 12, 189
Foreman, Yuri, 87
Forman, Milos, 157; Exhibit 13a, 498 (two Oscars); Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501 (two films) Forrest, Helen, Exhibit 11i, 481
Fortas, Abe, Exhibit 8b, 455
Fortune “40 Richest under 40,” 18, 182, 187
Fortune 500 CEOs, 182, 188–198
Fortune “The Power 25 – The Most Powerful People in Business,” 18, 193
Foss, Lukas, Exhibit 11b, 468
Fox, Jr., Major General Eugene, 62
Fox, Sam and Marilyn, Exhibit 8a, 451
Fox, William (née Fuchs), 144–146
Fox Broadcasting Company (see also, News Corporation and Rupert Murdoch), 167, 173, 185
Fox Films, 144
Fox Movietone, 144
Fox theaters, 144
Fox-Talbot, William Henri, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Francis, Arlene, 174
Franck, James, Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3a, 421
Frank, Aaron, 273
Frank, Abe, 272
Frank, Anne, 9, 28, 101; Exhibit 2b, 418; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 22a, 514
Frank, Barney, 75, 351
Frank, Ilya, Exhibit 2a, 417; Exhibit 3a, 420
Frank, Jack, 273
Frank, John, 82
Frank, Julius, 272–3
Frank, Robert, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Frank, Sigmund, 272
Frank Nelson Cole Prizes, 38
Frankel, Glen, 101
Frankel, Martin, 367; Exhibit 23d, 521; Exhibit 23e, 524
Frankel, Max, 101
Frankel, William, 60
Franken, Al, 101, 126, 174
Frankenheimer, John, 172; Exhibit 13c, 502; Exhibit 14b, 508
Frankenthaler, Helen, Exhibit 12a, 486
Frankfurter, Felix, 17, 55, 349; Exhibit 8b, 455
Franklin, Bonnie, 174
Franklin, Rosalind, Exhibit 22a, 514
Franklin, Sidney, 90
Freberg, Stan, 174; Exhibit 14a, 507
Free Speech Movement, and Jews, 349
Freed, Alan, 123–124, 174; Exhibit 11g, 475; Exhibit 14a, 507
Freed, Leonard, Exhibit 12c, 491
Freedman, Jacob, 174
Freedman, Michael, 53; Exhibit 3d, 426
Freleng, Isadore (“Fritz”), 104
Freud, Anna, 54
Freud, Lucien, Exhibit 12a, 486
Freud, Sigmund, 17, 20, 26–28, 54, 93–94, 112, 333, 382–383; Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 2b, 418 (all four lists) Fried, Alfred Hermann, 78, 101; Exhibit 8c, 457
Friedan, Betty, 20, 101, 351; Exhibit 22a, 514
Friedkin, William, Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13c, 502
Friedlander, Lee, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Friedlander, Saul, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Friedman, Benny, 82
Friedman, Colonel William F., 61
Friedman, Fleischer & Lowe, 220
Friedman, Ike, 295
Friedman, Jeno Saul, Sarah, 64
Friedman, Jerome I., Exhibit 3a, 420
Friedman, Josh, 101
Friedman, Kinky, 125
Friedman, Lennie, 82
Friedman, Louis, 295
Friedman, Max, 85
Friedman, Mikhail, 361
Friedman, Milton, 17, 52, 64, 64–68, 381, 388; Exhibit 7a, 449; Exhibit 7b, 450
Friedman, Rose (Director), 67
Friedman, Steve, 209
Friedman, Thomas (Tom), 101, 388
Friedman, Tully, 219–20
Friedman’s, 18
Friendly, Fred, 172; Exhibit 14b, 508
Frisch, Otto, Exhibit 2a, 416
Fromm, Erich, 17, 54
Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda, 54
Frommer, Arthur, 113
Fromstein, Mitchell, 332
Frost, Martin, 75
Frost, Phillip MD, Exhibit 21a, 511
Frum, David, 101
Fu Manchu (David Bamberg), 127
Fuchs, Jeno, 89
Fuchs, Klaus, 356
Fuld, Felix, 267
Fuld, Richard, 209
Funk, Casimir, Exhibit 2a, 415
Funt, Allen, 174
Furchgott, Robert F., Exhibit 3b, 422
Furstenberg, Hillel, Exhibit 3e, 428
Furth, George, Exhibit 11f, 474

• TOP •


Gabler, Milt, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475
Gabler, Neal, 104, 139, 148, 151
Gabor, Dennis, 17, 33, 44–5; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3a, 420; Exhibit 4a, 432; Exhibit 4b, 441
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip, Exhibit 11b, 469
Gagarin, Yuri, 63
Gaines, Bill, 104
Gaines, Max, 104
Gal, Uziel, 62
Gap Stores, 18, 278–279, 299
Garay, Antonio, 82
Garay, Janos, 89
Garber, Don, 83
Gardner, Herb, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464
Gardner Foundation Awards, 35
Garfield, John, 158
Garfinckel, Julius, 269
Garfinckel’s, 269
Garfinkel, Hannah Harrzon, 269
Garfinkel, Harris, 269
Garfunkel, Art, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475; Exhibit 11l, 484
garment industry, (See apparel) Gary, Romain (née Kacew), 99
Gasser, Herbert Spencer, Exhibit 3b, 423
gay, lesbian and transgender rights and Jews, 350–351
Gee, Gordon, 9, 46, 51, 57
Geffen, David, 142, 153; Exhibit 21a, 510
Gehry, Frank (née Goldberg), 135, 135; Exhibit 12d, 495–496
Gelbart, Larry, 172
Gelfand, Israel M., Exhibit 3e, 428 (two awards) Gelfond, Aleksander, Exhibit 2a, 417
Gell-Mann, Murray, 17, 31–33, 53, 67–68, 218; Exhibit 3a, 420
Geller, Sarah Michelle, Exhibit 13d, 503
Geller, Uri, 127–128
Gemara, 96, 398
General Growth Properties, 249, 251, 253–254
Genes, genetic predisposition and Jews, 15, 44, 339, 383–386, 391, 396
Genesis (book of), 230–231, 236, 381
Gerde, Oskar, 89
German Jews: as the second wave of Jewish American immigrants, 47, 395; “Our Crowd,” reaction to later immigrant Jews from the Pale, 47–48; service in WWI German army, 60; Paul Warburg, 71; Moses Mendelssohn’s influence on , 130; Irving Thalberg, 146; Henry Hart, 190; “Our Crowd,” 236–237; Louis Bamberger, M. A. and Sophia Stern, 267; David May, founders of most department stores (and Albert Greenfield, who was not), 273; Richard Thalheimer, Julius Bloch, 282– 283; as peddlers, Levi Strauss, owners of most early garment factories, 296; Cowen family, akin to , 312; Charles Engelhard Jr., and Henry Oppenheimer, 331; Kurt Eisner, 344
Gernsback, Hugo, 108–109
Gershom, Levi ben, 133
Gershon, Gina, Exhibit 13d, 505
Gershwin, George, 120–121; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 11c, 471; Exhibit 11d, 472; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Gershwin, Ira, 102, 121; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Gertler, Mark, Exhibit 12a, 486
Getty, Estelle, 174
Getz, Stan, 124; Exhibit 11h, 477 (two Grammys); Exhibit 11i, 480
Ghermezian family, 252, 258
ghetto: restricted real estate ownership outside the, 19; Warsaw, 61; fifteenth-century emergence of, 130; Rothschilds, Frankfurt, end of Roman, Napoleon’s role, 199, 202–203; Venice, Pale, effect on career opportunities, 234–235; Lower East side, 362
Gibbs, Terry, Exhibit 11i, 481
Gibson, Ralph, Exhibit 12c, 491, 493
Gilbert, Brad, 87
Gilbert, Dan, 86
Gilbert, David, 350
Gilbert, Martin, 101
Gilbert, Walter, 36; Exhibit 3c, 424
Gilman, Alfred G., Exhibit 3b, 422
Gillman, Sid, 82
Gilo, David, 76; Exhibit 8a, 451 (with Shamaya) Gimbel, Adam, 264–5
Gimbel, Adam Long, 265
Gimbel, Bernie, 261, 265
Gimbel, Bruce, 265
Gimbel, Ellis, 265
Gimbel, Isaac, 264
Gimbel, Jacob, 264
Gimbels, 264–265
Gingold, Hermione, 174
Ginsberg, Allen, 103
Ginsburg, Charles, 17, 42, 44; Exhibit 4a, 435; Exhibit 4b, 442
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 77; Exhibit 8b, 455; Exhibit 22a, 514
Ginzburg, Vitaly L., Exhibit 3a, 420
Gitelman, Fred, 91
Gitlin, Todd, 349, 352
Glaser, Donald A., Exhibit 3a, 420
Glaser, Milton, 109
Glaser, Rob, 186–187
Glashow, Sheldon, Exhibit 3a, 420
Glasser, Ira, 349
Glauber, Roy J., Exhibit 3a, 420
Glazer, Guilford, 254–255
Glazer, Malcolm, 82; Exhibit 21a, 511 (“and family”) Glazer, Nathan, 17, 55
Glenn, Scott, Exhibit 13d, 505
Glickman, Dan, 76
Glier, Reinhold, Exhibit 2a, 415
Glucksman, Lewis, 209
Gluckstern, Judy, 351
Glück, Louise, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Godfrey, Paul, 84
Goffin, Gerry, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475
Gold, Ben, 346
Gold, Harry, 356
Gold, Herbert, 99
Goldberg, Adam, 82
Goldberg, Arthur, 77; Exhibit 8b, 455
Goldberg, Bernard, 174
Goldberg, Bill, 88
Goldberg, Hank, 86
Goldberg, Jonah, 174
Goldberg, Motche, 364
Goldberg, Neil, 294
Goldberg, Rube, 104
Goldberg, Whoopi, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Goldberger, Joseph, Exhibit 2a, 415
Goldblum, Jeff, 158; Exhibit 13d, 504
Goldblum, Stanley, Exhibit 23d, 521
Golden Age of the Dutch, 16, 236
Goldenson, Leonard, 18, 166–167; Exhibit 14a, 507; Exhibit 14b, 508
Golder, Stanley, 216
Goldfeder, Howard, 275
Goldfeld, Dorian M., Exhibit 3e, 428
Goldfinger (Charles Engelhard Jr.), 331
Goldin, Daniel, 63
Goldin, Nan, Exhibit 12c, 491
Goldman, Emma, 189, 237, 340, 345; Exhibit 22a, 514
Goldman, Henry, 369
Goldman, Irving, 244
Goldman, James, 102
Goldman, Joyce, 244
Goldman, Leon, 73
Goldman, Lillian, 244
Goldman, Lloyd, 244
Goldman, Marcus, 208
Goldman, Richard, 377
Goldman, Sol, 244
Goldman, William, 102
Goldman Group, 244
Goldman Sachs, 18, 188, 198–199, 203, 208–209, 211, 222–223, 248, 251, 315, 369–370
Goldmark, Peter Carl, 44, 166; Exhibit 2a, 417; Exhibit 4a, 434; Exhibit 4b, 441
Goldschmidt, Victor, Exhibit 2a, 415
Goldsmid, 207
Goldsmith, Dora (née Ottenheimer), 269
Goldsmith, Elias, 269
Goldsmith, Fred, 269
Goldsmith, Isaac, 269
Goldsmith, Jack, 269
Goldsmith, Jacob, 269
Goldsmith, Leo, 269
Goldsmith, Sir James, 225
Goldsmith’s, 269, 275
Goldstein, Bugsy, 363–364
Goldstein, Dr. Baruch, 352
Goldstein, Eugen, Exhibit 2a, 414
Goldstein, Joseph, 17, 34–35; Exhibit 3b, 422
Goldstein, Michael, 195
Goldstein, Stuart, 87
Goldwater, Baron, 271
Goldwater, Barry, 271
Goldwater, Bob, 271
Goldwater, Carrie, 271
Goldwater, Mike, 271
Goldwater, Morris, 271
Goldwater, Sarah (née Nathan), 271
Goldwater’s, 271, 273
Goldwyn, Samuel (née Goldfish), 146, 155
Goldwyn Studios, 146
golf and Jews, 87
Golofski, Hannah (Anne Klein), 298
Golschmann, Vladimir, Exhibit 11b, 469
Golub, Harvey, 195, 197
Gomberg, Moses, Exhibit 2a, 415
Gomelsky, Alexander, 85
Gompers, Samuel, 20, 345–347
Gonda, Leslie, Exhibit 21a, 513
Gonda, Louis, Exhibit 21a, 512
Goode, Rabbi Alexander, 61
Goodheart, William R., 143
Goodman, Andrew, 348
Goodman, Benny, 124; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11i, 480; Exhibit 11l, 484; Exhibit 14a, 507
Goodman, Edwin, 265–266
Goodman, Ellen, 101
Goodman, Martin, 104
Goodman, Steve, 125
Goodson, Mark, 172; Exhibit 14b, 508
Goodstein, David, 351
Google, 19, 181–2, 185, 214, 221, 222, 350
Gordimer, Nadine, 98–99, 112; Exhibit 10, 459
Goren, Charles, 20, 91
Gores, Alec, Exhibit 21a, 512
Gores, Tom, Exhibit 21a, 511
Gormé, Eydie, 124
Gosfield, Reuben (Lucky Ocean), 125
Goshkin, Anita, 93
Gotbaum, Victor, 348
Gottesman, David, Exhibit 21a, 511
Gottex, 304
Gottfried, Gilbert, 126; Exhibit 11m, 485
Gottlieb, Adolph, 131; Exhibit 2a, 416
Gottlieb, Armin, 304
Gottlieb, Edward, 85
Gottlieb, Leah, 304
Gottschalk, Louis, Exhibit 2a, 414
Goudsmit, Samuel, Exhibit 2a, 416
Gould, Elliott, 115, 117, 174
Gould, Gordon, 44; Exhibit 4a, 433; Exhibit 4b, 442
Gould, Jason, 115
Gould, Morton, Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11l, 484
Gould Stephen Jay, 17, 55, 101
Grabow, John, 83
Graham, Bill, 123–124; Exhibit 11g, 475
Graham, Donald, 18, 106
Graham, Jorie, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Graham, Katherine Meyer, 18, 106, 210; Exhibit 22a, 514
Graham, Philip L., 105
Graham, Sheilah, 104
Grammy Lifetime Achievement Awards, 17, 117
Grammys, 17, 115, 117, 124–126
grand opera, Jews in 120–121
Grant, Cary, 158
Grant, Lee, 174
Granz, Norman, Exhibit 11i, 481
Greece, the Golden Age of, Periclean, 16, 44–45
Green, Adolph, Exhibit 11a, 467
Green, Philip, 277
Green, Pincus, 367; Exhibit 23d, 522
Green, Seth, Exhibit 13d, 505
Green, Shawn, 83
Greenbaum, Arline, 30
Greenbaum, Leon C., 320–321
Greenberg, Alan (“Ace”), 210
Greenberg, Hank, 84
Greenberg, Jerry, 187; Exhibit 15a, 509
Greenberg, Maurice, 313
Greenberg, Maurice R. (“Hank”), 193–194, 197; Exhibit 21a, 511
Greenberg, Mike, 86
Greenberg, Richard, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464
Greenberg, Roman, 87
Greene, Dawn, Exhibit 24b, 528
Greene, Lorne, 125, 174
Greene, Shecky, 126
Greenfield, Albert M. (Avrum Moishe Grunfeld), 273–274
Greenfield, Jeff, 174
Greenfield, Jerry, 306
Greenfield, Sherman, 88
Greengard, Paul, 54; Exhibit 3b, 422
Greenglass, David, 356
Greenhouse, Linda, 101
Greenpeace, 351–352
Greenspan, Alan, 69–71
Greenspan, Bud, 86
Greenthal, Abe, 364
Gregory, Bettina, 174
Grey, Brad, 152
Grey Advertising, 335
Griliches, Zvi, Exhibit 7b, 450
Grodin, Charles, 126, 174
Gromov, Mikhail, Exhibit 3e, 428
Gross, B. H., Exhibit 3e, 428
Gross, David J.; Exhibit 3a, 420
Gross, Teri, 174
Grossinger, Asher Selig, 314
Grossinger, Jennie, 314
Grossinger, Malka, 314
Grossinger’s, 314
Grossman, Marcel, 53
Grossman, Sanford, Exhibit 7b, 450
Gröthendieck, Alexander, Exhibit 3d, 426
Grove, Andrew (Andras Grof), 19, 176, 176–181, 183, 193–194, 197, 334
Grove, Eva, 177, 179
Grubman, Jack, 211; Exhibit 23d, 521
Gruen, Victor, 135, 251
Grunsfeld, John, 63
Guber, Peter, 149
Guest, Christopher, Exhibit 13d, 505
Guess, 298–299
Guggenheim, Barbara, 329
Guggenheim, Ben (Benjamin), 329
Guggenheim, Daniel, 190–191, 329
Guggenheim, Florence, 329
Guggenheim, Gladys, 111
Guggenheim, Harry, 329
Guggenheim, Meyer, 190, 328
Guggenheim, Peggy, 329
Guggenheim, Simon, 329
Guggenheim, Solomon R., 329
Guggenheim Museums, 19, 329
Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, 134, 329
Guilford Glazer & Associates, 254
Guinzburg, Harold K., 112
Guinzburg, Thomas, 112
Guldin, Paul, 23; Exhibit 2a, 414
Gump, Abraham, 272
Gump, Richard, 272
Gump, Robert, 272
Gump, Solomon, 271–272
Gump’s, 271–272
Gunston, Philip, Exhibit 12a, 487
Gural family, 249
Gurevich, Mikhail, 63
Gusinsky, Vladimir, 292, 359–360
Gutenberg, Beno, Exhibit 2a, 416
Gutfreund, John, 212, 215
Gutmann, Amy, 57
Gutzkow, Karl, Exhibit 2a, 414
gymnastics, Olympic, Jews in, 88–90

• TOP •


H & R Block, 19, 323–323
Ha-Nasi, Judah, 96
Häagen-Dazs, 18, 305–306, 310
Haas, Ernst, Exhibit 12c, 491, 493
Haas, Karl, 172; Exhibit 14a, 507
Haas, Robert D., 296–297
Haas, Robert K., 111
Haas, Walter A., 220
Haber, Al, 349
Haber, Fritz, 36; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3c, 425
Haber, Paul, 87
Hackett, Buddy, 126
Hadamard, Jacques, Exhibit 2a, 415
Hadith, 14
Hajos-Guttman, Alfred, 88
Halberstam, David, 101
Halévy, Fromental, Exhibit 2a, 414
Halevy, Ludovic, Exhibit 2a, 414
Halsmann, Phillipe, Exhibit 12, 490, 491
Hall, Gus, 357
Hall, Theodore, 357
Halprin, Lawrence, 135
Hamlisch, Marvin, 102, 122; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Hammer, Armand, 326; Exhibit 23d, 522
Hammerstein, Oscar, 27–28, 102, 121; Exhibit 2b, 419; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11e, 473 (three of fifty shows); Exhibit 11f, 474 (five of twenty-five shows) handball players, Jews as, 87
Handler, Elliot, 313; Exhibit 22a, 514
Handler, Ken (namesake of Barbie doll companion), 313
Handler, Ruth Mosko, 313
Handler Barbara (Barbie doll namesake), 313
Hanna, William, 147
Harbater, David, Exhibit 3e, 428
hard work and tenacity as Jewish cultural values, (See determination) Hardeen, Theo, 127–8
Hardwick, Elizabeth, 109
Harlem Globetrotters, 85–86
Harman, Jane, 75
Harnick, Sheldon, 102, 122; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Harris, Adolphus, 270–271
Harris, Joshua, Exhibit 21a, 512
Harris, Leon, 273
Harris, Zellig S., 338
Harsanyi, John C., 52; Exhibit 7a, 449
Hart, Harry, 190, 192, 299
Hart, Lorenz, 121
Hart, Max, 190, 299
Hart, Michael, 20, 23–26, 408
Hart, Moss, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Hart Schaffner & Marx/Hartmarx, 190, 299, 347
Hartz Group, Hartz Mountain, Hartz Mountain Industries, 246, 318–319
Harvard University, Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School, 10, 17, 37, 41, 43, 46–53, 55–57, 69–70, 121, 168, 182–183, 190, 193, 196–197, 210, 216, 218, 219, 221, 225, 240, 241, 251, 253, 255, 263, 319, 323, 327, 331, 338, 339, 342, 348, 386, 389, Hasbro (née Hassenfeld Brothers), 313
Hasidic Judaism, 10, 129, 130, 289, 386, 402, 404, Hasmonean state, 232
Hassenfeld, Alan, 313
Hassenfeld, Helal, 313
Hassenfeld, Henry, 313
Hattie Carnegie, 297
Hauptman, Herbert A., Exhibit 3c, 424
Hausdorff, Felix, Exhibit 2a, 415
Hausman, Jerry A., Exhibit 7b, 450
Hawn, Goldie, 126, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Hayek, Friedrich August, von, 67–68
HDNet, 170–171, 187
health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 33, 319–320
Heartfield, John, Exhibit 12c, 491
Hebrew Bible (See also Jewish Bible, and Tanakh), 233, 259–260, 389, 398
Hebron, 230, 392
Hecht, Anthony, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Hecht, Emmanuel, 268
Hecht, Samuel, 268
Hecht’s, 268–9, 273
Heeger, Alan, 17, 53; Exhibit 3c, 424
Heifetz, Jascha, 120, 287; Exhibit 11l, 484
Heilbroner, Robert, 69
Heine, Heinrich, 103; Exhibit 2a, 414
Heitler, Walter, Exhibit 2a, 416
Helena Rubinstein, 18, 301–302
Hellman & Friedman, 19, 219–220
Hellman, Lillian, 102
Hellman, Warren, 29, 219–220
Helmsley (and Harley) hotels, 18, 247, 315–316
Helmsley, Harry, 247, 315–316
Helmsley, Leona, (née Lena Rosenthal and Leona Roberts), 247–248, 315–316; Exhibit 23d, 521
Helmsley-Spear, 247
Helprin, Mark, 99
Helzberg, Barnett, 295
Helzberg, Barnett Jr., 295
Helzberg, Gilbert, 295
Helzberg, Morris, 295
Helzberg Diamonds, 18, 295
Henle, Friedrich, Exhibit 2a, 414
Henning, Doug, 128
Henry Crown & Company, 226–227
Henschel, Sir George, Exhibit 11b, 468
Herder, Johann, Exhibit 2a, 414
Herman, Jerry, Exhibit 11e, 473 (three shows); Exhibit 11f, 474
Herod the Great, 232
Herschbach, Dudley R., Exhibit 3c, 424
Herschmann, Otto, 88
Hersh, Seymour, 101
Hershko, Avram, Exhibit 3c, 424
Hershkowitz, Vic, 87
Hertz, Gustav, Exhibit 3a, 421
Hertz, Heinrich, Exhibit 2a, 414
Hertz, John, 321
Hertz car rental, 320–321
Herzl, Theodor, 234, 399
Hess, John B., 197, 326
Hess, Leon, 61, 197, 325–326
Hess, Moses, 343–344
heter iskah, 205
Hevesy, György, Exhibit 2a, 415
Hewitt, Don, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 196
Heyman, Abigail, Exhibit 12c, 491
Heyman, Samuel J. (and Ronnie), Exhibit 8a, 452
Heyse, Paul, 98–99; Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 10a, 460
High River Limited Partnership, 224
high technology entrepreneurs and managers, Jews as, 180–187
Hill, Steven, 174
Hilecher, Jerry, 88
Hillel, 13, 46, 50, 57, 62, 97, 217, 377, 388, 399, 401
Hillman, Sidney, 20, 347
Hillquit, Morris, 346
Hirsch, David, 60
Hirsch, Judd, 174
Hirschhorn, Fred, 190
Hirsh, Jason, 83
Hirshhorn, Joseph H., 329–330
Hirshhorn Museum, 19, 330
Histadrut trade union, 344
Hitler, Adolf, (See also Nazi and Holocaust): destruction of innocents, 10; Churchill stands up to, 25; Feynman joins Manhattan project because of, 30; Olympics and, 89; Norman Cahner’s 1936
Olympic boycott because of 109; 1936 Hungary’s relationship with, 176; Julian Bloch and Peter Drucker flee Germany because of, 283, 333; Soviet Jews begin to lose out as Stalin signs Ribbentrop pact with, subsequent invasion by, 288; early Depression era popularity of Communism in U.S. in part because of, results of 1939 Nonaggression Pact with, 344; left wing perception of evils of, 357
Hochschild Kohns, 268
Hochster, Melvin, Exhibit 3e, 428
hockey, ice, Jews in, 20, 83, 88, 335
Hodges, Art, 124; Exhibit 11i, 481
Hoffman, Abbie, 20, 350
Hoffman, Dustin, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503; Exhibit 13e, 506
Hoffman, Jeffrey, 63
Hoffman, Julius, 350
Hoffmann, Roald, Exhibit 3c, 424
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Exhibit 2a, 415
Hofstadter, Douglas, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Hofstadter, Richard, 101; Exhibit 10, 462
Hofstadter, Robert, Exhibit 3a, 420
Hogan, Marty, 88
Holbrooke, Richard, 76
Hollander, Xavier, 101
Holliday, Judy, 149, 158
Holman, Marshall, 87
Holman, Nat, 85
Holocaust, Shoah, Jewish extermination (See also Hitler and Nazi):
early reporting on, origin of terms, 10; numbers of Jews destroyed, 16, 24, 93; post Holocaust Jewish enrollment at top colleges and universities, 49; post Holocaust increases in Jewish faculties, 55; Holocaust effect on view of Jews as fighters, 59; post Holocaust performance of Jews in Olympics, 89; Saul Bellow’s Mr. Sammler’s Planet and, 94; Wolf family starts Pantheon Books after fleeing from Germany and, 112; Streisand film, 117; terminates Emancipation and demonstrates renewed need for mobility of Jews and their own country, 236; Frank Lowy, Mervin Morris, and Sydney Kimmel support for Holocaust Museum, 254. 280, 281;destruction of Jews who remained in geography of the Pale after Soviet Union created, 287; effect of Holocaust on renewed Jewish identity, 288; reason for Denmark map on Häagen Dazs cap, 305; Bronfman’s and Blaustein’s role in post- Holocaust recovery of property, 381, 325; Chomsky defense of Holocaust denier, Robert Faurisson, 341; possible effect on a sense of being “chosen,” 381, 384; possible effect on bringing Jews together, growth of Holocaust monuments, 399–400; current threats in relation to, 403; rates of Jews earning Nobels before and following the Holocaust, 405
Holtzman, Ken, 84
Holzman, William “Red,” 85
Home Depot, 18, 196, 278
Home Shopping Network (HSN), 18, 185, 285
Horowitz, David, 101, 342, 388
Horowitz, H. Robert, Exhibit 3b, 422
Horowitz, Scott, 63
Horowitz, Vladimir, 120; Exhibit 11l, 484
Horvitz, H. Robert, 54
Horwitz, Brian, 83
Horwitz, Tony, 101
hotels, luxury, cruise lines, and Jews, 314–318
Houdini, Harry, 127–128
House of Representatives, U.S., Jews in, 75
Houseman, John, 174
Houthakker, Hendrik S., Exhibit 7b, 450
Howard, Clark, 174
Howard, Richard, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Howe, Irving, 101
Hudson, Kate, Exhibit 13d, 503
Huebner, David, 351
Hundertwasser, Friedensreich, Exhibit 12d, 496
Hunt, Helen, Exhibit 13d, 503
Human Accomplishment (the book) 20–24, 129, 382, 395, 402, 409
humorist writers and cartoonists, Jew as, 103–104
Hunt Foods, 310
Hunter College, 48
Huntzler’s, 268
Hurwicz, Leonid, Exhibit 7a, 449
Hurwitz, Charles, 322
Husserl, Edmund, Exhibit 2a, 414
Hyatt, Abraham, 63
Hyatt Hotels, 18, 226, 315

• TOP •


I. Magnin, 272, 275
Icahn, Carl, 224, 322; Exhibit 21a, 510
Iger, Robert, 152
Ilitch, Michael, Exhibit 21a, 512 in -print critics, Jews as, 104
Independent Motion Picture Company (IMP) (see also Laemmle, Carl), 143
Intel Corporation, 19, 39, 177–181, 183–184, 194, 197, 220, 334
intelligence, intelligence quotient (IQ) and Jews: early IQ tests of immigrants from the Pale, subsequent use of Conant’s meritocratic SAT test results 47–49, 390; in describing the Intel Corporate culture, 178; mandatory education/literacy interacting with natural selection, 236, 338; genes, rabbinic selection, mandatory education/literacy, natural selection and, Botticini and Eckstein, Cochran, Hardy and Harpending, and Charles Murray’s studies and comments on, achievement and, 383–386
InterActive Corp. (IAC), 19, 167, 181, 184–185, 285
interest, charged/earned for lending money, and Jews: Rothschilds charging/William of Hanau earning, 200; history of interest charged for use of money, evolution of Jewish thinking, Christian and Muslim approaches, benefits and costs/risks of 204–207, 293; consequences for retailing, trading and other “middleman” functions, including in international commerce, 260–261; as an illustration of Jewish rationalism, 387
intermarriage and Jews: Rothschilds and 203; risks and possible benefits of marriages outside the faith/tribe, 397, 401
International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, 85
International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), 346–347
International Monetary Fund (IMF), creation of, 224
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 352
inventions, and Jews: synopsis, 17; Edwin Land and, 40–43; Encyclopædia Britannica and, 43–45
Irvine Ranch, 239–240, 328
Isaac, 230
Islam and Jews (See also Muslims and Muhammad): Jewish monotheism and, 11, 386; Talmud and Hadith, 13; early achievements of, 16, 206; visual art, sculptures and, 130, 134; prohibitions on charging interest on loans, 205–206, 293, 387; treatment of Jews, 206; initial Jewish reaction to Islamic conquerors, proscriptions and treatment by, shifting Islamic attitudes towards, 233; Jews as commercial intermediaries between Christians and Muslims, 259–260; the Soviets and, 286, 288; Azerbaijanleader’s fear of madrassas, 292; Chomsky on U.S. and, 341; Sephardic interaction with, 385; the notions of progress, faith versus action, accountability, and 386; Jews at verges between Christians and, 388; similar orientations of ultra-Orthodox Jews and radical Islam 402
Israel, Israelis, Israeli Jews: Exodus, The Source, the Six Day War, an Israeli colleague, and 10; The Six Day War, 58–59; Yoni Netanyahu, Uziel Gal, Israeli astronauts, 62– 63; Israeli athletes, 85, 87, 88; Bellow’s To Jerusalem and Back 95; defeat of Kingdom of, 96; Agnon, 98; Rothschild land purchases and funding for Knesset, 202; the Covenant and early history of, 230–232; modern creation of 236, 399; current Jewish populations of U.S. and, 237; Stalin, Soviets, Leviev and, 288– 289, 358; Leviev’s base, 291–2; Gottex, 304; Ted Arison and, Samuel Ofer, 317–318; Chomsky and, 341, 388; early Socialism of, the kibbutz, Likud’s changes to, 344; Kahanist/settler movement, 352–353; anti-Zionism and Palestinian rights, 353; Jonathan Pollard and, 358; Meyer Lansky and, 363; Yigal Amir and, 365; declines in giving to, 375–377; Mega and, 376–377; Sephardics in, 385; victories and threats, support for, anti-Israeli sentiment, population demographics, secularism in, changing culture of 399–401, 403–406
Israel, Frank, Exhibit 12d, 495, 496
Israel, Steve, 75
Ivins, Marsh, 63
Ivy League, 17, 46–51, 56–57

• TOP •


J. & W. Seligman, 215
J. S. Bache, 215
Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 289, 292
Jacob, 230
Jacob, Francois, Exhibit 3b, 422
Jacob, Max, Exhibit 2a, 415
Jacobi, Carl, Exhibit 2a, 414
Jacobi, Lotte, Exhibit 12c, 491
Jacobs, Aletta, 351
Jacobs, Irwin, 19, 181, 186; Exhibit 8a, 453 (with Joan Klein Jacobs); Exhibit 21a, 512; Exhibit 24b, 527
Jacobs, Jack, 62
Jacobs, James, (“Jimmy”), 87
Jacobs, Walter, 320–321
Jacobsen, Arne, Exhibit 12d, 495, 496
Jacobsen, Sada, 89
Jacobson, Nathan, Exhibit 3e, 428
Jacobses, 207
Jacoby & Meyers, 323–324
Jacoby, Len, 323–324
Jacoby, Oswald (“Ozzie”), 91
Jaffe, Naomi, 350
Jaffe, Stanley, 142
Jansons, Mariss, Exhibit 11b, 469
Jason Leigh, Jennifer, Exhibit 13d, 504
Jastrow, Joseph, 54
Javits, Jacob, 75
jazz, (See music, Jazz and Jews), 124–125
jazz Grammys, 124
Jazz Hall of Fame, 124
The Jazz Singer, 121–122, 137–139, 149
jeans, 44–45, 277, 296, 297, 298, 299, Jelinek, Elfriede, 98–99; Exhibit 10a, 459
Jenny Craig, 18, 312
Jessel, George, 121, 126, 138–139
jewelry, and Jews, 18, 286, 293–296, 392
Jewish Bible, (See also Hebrew bible, and Tanakh), 10, 96–97, 129–130, 233, 398, 400
Jewish Buddhists (JUBUs), 405
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer, 99
JMB Realty, 255
Joel, Billy, 123, 126; Exhiibit 11g, 476; Exhibit 11l, 484
John Bates Clark Medal, 17, 65, 68–70
Johnson, Paul: on academic contributions of Jews, 55; Soutine’s and Chagall’s parents on their art, 129; history of charging> interest for loans, 204–205; pragmatism/ rationalism of Rabbinical Judaism, 205; Jewish skills/careers, talents and advantages in trade and international commerce 206; Christian treatment of Jews, 233; Jews as activists, 343; the kuppah, duty to others, duty of charity recipients, 373; Jews and the notions of “progress,” rationality, and the unknown, 387; survival and tenacity of Jews, 392; emergence of Jews on the secular stage, 402
Jolson, Al, 121, 126, 137–139
Jolson, Harry, 137
Jones Apparel Group, 281, 298
Jong, Erica, 100
Jordache, 298–299
Joseph, Fred, 214
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, 308
Joseph Magnin, J. Magnin, 272
Josephson, Brian D., Exhibit 3a, 420
Josephson, Kenneth, Exhibit 12c, 491
Josephus, Flavius, 97, 101
Joshua, 232
Judah, 96, 232
Judah, Daniel, 87
Judah, Josiah, 87
Judah, Zab, 87
Judas Iscariot, 11, 354
Judd, Jackie, 174
Judelson, Robert A., 255–256
Judson, Arthur, 165
Junger, Sebastian, 101
justice, charity, and Jews (See also Tzedakah, tikkun olam, kuppah), 13, 51–52, 343, 372–374, 394–395, 405

• TOP •


Kabbalah, 399, 402
Kabos, Endre, 89
Kadish, Lawrence (and Susan), Exhibit 8a, 451
Kadison, Richard V., Exhibit 3e, 428
Kael, Pauline, 104
Kafka, Franz, Exhibit 2a, 415
Kaganovich, Lazar, 344, 356
Kahan, William (Velvel), Exhibit 3f, 429
Kahane, Binyamin, 352
Kahane, Jeffrey, 119
Kahane, Rabbi Meir David, 352
Kahanist/settler movement, 352
Kahlo, Frida, 132; Exhibit 12a, 487; Exhibit 22a, 514
Kahn, Albert, 135, Exhibit 12d, 495, 496
Kahn, Alfred, 69
Kahn, Louis, 135; Exhibit 12b, 495, 496
Kahn, Otto, 209
Kahn, Roger, 99
Kahneman, Daniel, 52, 68, Exhibit 7a, 449
Kahnweiler, Fridolyn, 264
Kaiser, George B., 327, Exhibit 21a, 510; Exhibit 24b, 527
Kaiser-Francis Oil Co., 19, 327
Kalb, Bernard, 174
Kalb, Marvin, 174
Kamenetz, Rodger, 399, 405
Kamenev, Lev, 344, 355–356
Kandel, Eric R., 54; Exhibit 3b, 422
Kander, John, Exhibit 11e, 473 (two shows); Exhibit 11f, 474
Kane, Bob, 104
Kann, Peter, 106
Kantar, Eddie, 91
Kantor, MacKinlay, 99; Exhibit 10b, 461
Kantorovich, Leonid Vitaliyevich, Exhibit 7a, 449
Kantrowitz, Arnie, 351
Kapitsa, Pyotr, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3a, 420
Kaplan, David, 301
Kaplan, Gabe, 174
Kaplan, Jacob Merrill, 309–310
Kaplan, Justin, 101
Kaplan, Kivie, 348
Kaplan, Louis (“Kid”), 86
Kaplan, Robert, 101
Kaplan, Stanley, 49
Kaplan Educational Centers, 50, 106
Kapler, Gabe, 83
Kaplove, Mike, 83
Kapor, Mitch, 181, 184
Karaites, 402
Karan, Donna, 18, 296, 298
Karatz, Bruce, 240
Karl, Max, 258
Karle, Jerome, Exhibit 3c, 424
Karmazin, Mel, 166; Exhibit 14a, 507
Karp, Richard M., Exhibit 3e, 429
Karpov, Anatoly, 90–91
Kasparov, Gary, 90–91
Katz, Sir Bernard, Exhibit 3b, 422
Katz, Harold, 311–12
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 142, 151, 153; Exhibit 8a, 452, (with Marilyn) Kaufman & Broad (later KB Home), 240
Kaufman, Andy, 174; Exhibit 11m, 485
Kaufman, Donald, 240
Kaufman, George S., 102; Exhibit 10d, 463 (two prizes) Kaufman, Murray (“the K”), 174; Exhibit 14a, 507
Kaufman, Rosa, 287
Kaufman, Stephen P., 196–197
Kaufmann, Betty, 268
Kaufmann, Edgar, 268
Kaufmann, Henry, 268
Kaufmann, Isaac, 268
Kaufmann, Jacob, 268
Kaufmann, Morris, 268
Kaufmann’s Department Store, 268, 273
Kavner, Julie, 174
Kay, Lesli, 174
Kaye, Danny, 126, 158, 174; Exhibit 11a, 467
Kaye, Jonathan, 87
Kazin, Alfred, 104
Keitel, Harvey, Exhibit 13d, 503
Keleti, Agnes, 88
Keller, Joseph B., Exhibit 3e, 428
Kendall, Skip, 87
Kennedy, John F., 25–28, 42, 173, 223, 368
Kennedy Center Honors, 17, 118, 120, 305
Kenny G, 124
Kerkorian, Kirk, 147, 150, 153, 316, 378
Kern, Jerome, Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 11f, 474
Kernis, Aaron Jay, 120
Kerr, Cristie, 87
Kerry, John, 74
Kertesz, Andre, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Kertész, Imre, 98–99; Exhibit 10a, 459
Kertész, Istvan, Exhibit 11b, 470
Kertzer, Rabbi Morris N., 388
Kessel, Joseph, 99
Kessler, Jules (or Julius), 191
Kesten, Harry, Exhibit 3e, 428
Keysor, Leonard, 60
Khaldei, Yevgeny, 133, 133
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 359–361
kibbutz, kibbutzim, 235, 340, 344, 406
Kimmel, Sydney, 281
Kincaid, Jamaica, 99
King, Alan, 126, 174
King, Carole, 123, Exhibit 11g, 475
King, Larry, 174; Exhibit 14a, 507
King, Michael (with Jena), Exhibit 8a, 452
Kingsley, Sidney, 102
Kinsler, Ian, 83–84
Kingsley, Ben, Exhibit 13d, 504
Kingsley, Sidney, Exhibit 10d, 463
Kinsley, Michael, 101
Kirby, Jack, 104
Kirsch, Steven T. (and Michele), Exhibit 8a, 451
Kirstein, Lou, 264
Kirszenstein-Szewinska, Irina, 88
Kissinger, Henry A., 78, 328; Exhibit 8c, 456
Kitaj R. B., Exhibit 12a, 487
Klainerman, Sergiu, Exhibit 3e, 428
Kleban, Edward, 102, 122; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Klein, Anne (Hannah Golofski), 298
Klein, Ben, 298
Klein, Calvin, 18, 296–297, 299–300
Klein, Emilee, 87
Klein, Flo, 297
Klein, Joel, 101
Klein, Lawrence, 52; Exhibit 7a, 449; Exhibit 7b, 450
Klein, Melanie, Exhibit 22a, 514
Klein, Ron, 275
Klein, William, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491
Klein, Yves, Exhibit 12a, 487
Kleiner, Gene, 19, 216, 220–221
Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers (KPCB), 216, 221–222
Klemperer, Otto, Exhibit 11b, 468, 469
Klemperer, Werner, 174
Kletzki, Paul, Exhibit 11b, 469
Kline, Franz, 131–132; Exhibit 2a, 417; Exhibit 12, 487
Kline, Kevin, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Klinger, Ron, 91
Klonsky, Mike, 349
Klopfer, Donald, 110
Klug Aaron, Exhibit 3c, 424
Kluge, John, 9, 153, 167
Kluger, Richard, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Klugman, Jack, 174
Knopf, Alfred A., 18, 110, 112
Kochen Simon B., Exhibit 3e, 428
Koestler, Arthur, 99, 101
Kohl, Allen, 276
Kohl, Herb, 74, 86, 276
Kohl, Mary (née Hiken), 276
Kohl, Max, 276
Kohl, Sidney, 276
Kohlberg, Jerome, 210, 216; Exhibit 21a, 512
Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts (KKR), 19, 212, 216, 280
Kohl’s, 261, 276
Kohn, Walter, 17, 53; Exhibit 3c, 424
Kokoschka, Oskar, Exhibit 12a, 487
Koller, Carl, Exhibit 2a, 414
Koltun, Benny, 88
Komansky, David H., 194, 197
Koppel, Andrea, 174
Koppel, Ted, 174; Exhibit 14b, 508
Korda, Michael, 101
Korman, Abraham, 192
Korman, Harvey, 175; Exhibit 14b, 508
Kornberg, Arthur, Exhibit 3b, 422
Kornberg, Roger D., Exhibit 3c, 424
Korvette’s (née E. J. Korvette), 283
Kosher, 12, 314, 325, 391
Kosinski, Jerzy, 99
Kossoff, Leon, Exhibit 12a, 487
Koufax, Irving, 79
Koufax, Sandy, 79, 79–81, 84
Koussevitzky, Serge, Exhibit 11b, 468
Koval, George, 357
Kovner, Bruce, 218; Exhibit 21a, 510
Kraft, Robert, 82; Exhibit 21a, 513
Kramer, Larry, 351
Kramer, Stanley, 155, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 502
Kramm, Joseph, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Kramnik, Vladimir, 90–91
Krantz, Judith, 100
Krasny, Michael, 175; Exhibit 21a, 512
Krause, Roger, 282
Krauthammer, Charles, 101, 389
Kravis, Henry, 210, 216; Exhibit 21a, 510
Kravitz, Lenny, 61
Kravitz, Private First Class Leonard, 61
Krayzelburg, Lenny, 88
Krebs, Hans Adolph, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3b, 422
Krein, Mark Grigoryevich, Exhibit 3e, 428
Kreps, David M., Exhibit 7b, 450
Kreskin, The Amazing, 127
Kretzmer, Herbert, 121–122; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Krim, Arthur, 150, 153
Krims, Les, Exhibit 12c, 491
Krips, Joseph, 119; Exhibit 11b, 468, 469, 470
Krisiloff, Steve, 88
Kriss, Gregory, 89
Kristol, Irving, 101
Kristol, William, 101, 388
Kroll, Jules, 334–335
Kroll Associates, 334–335
Kronecker, Leopold, Exhibit 2a, 414
Kronstein, Robert, 46
Kroto, Sir Harold W., 17, 53; Exhibit 3c, 424
Krugman, Paul, 70, 101, 388; Exhibit 7b, 450
Ku Klux Klan, 237, 348
Kubrick, Dr. Jacques, 154
Kubrick, Gertrude Perveler, 154
Kubrick, Stanley, 154–155, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 501 (three films) Kudrow, Lisa, Exhibit 13d, 504
Kuhn, Abraham, 209
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 19, 207, 209–210, 212
Kumin, Maxine Winokur, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Kun, Bela, 344
Kunitz, Stanley, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Kunstler, William, 350
kuppah, 372–373, 394
Kushner, Charles B., 249
Kushner, Rabbi, Harold S., 13, 409
Kushner, Tony, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 10e, 464, (two years) Kuznets, Simon, 17, 52; Exhibit 7a, 449

• TOP •


labor unions, labor leaders, and Jews, 19–20, 76, 262, 345–348, 394
LaDuke, Winona, 348
Laemmle, Carl, 142–144, 146, 148
Laemmle, Carl Jr., 143
Lambert, Phyllis, 309
Lampert, Edward, Exhibit 21a, 510
Land, Avram and Ella (Salmonovitch), 40
Land, Edwin Herbert (Din), 40, 40–44, 319, 381; Exhibit 2a, 417; Exhibit 4a, 434; Exhibit 4b, 441; Exhibit 12c, 491
Land, Harry, 40
Land, Helen, 40
Land, Matha (Goldfaden), 40
Landau, Lev, 33; Exhibit 3a, 420
Landau, Martin, Exhibit 13d, 505
Landers, Ann, 104; Exhibit 22a, 514
Landes, David, 69, 386
Landmark Theaters, 171, 187
Landon, Michael, 125, 175; Exhibit 14b, 508
Landsteiner, Karl, 34; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3b, 423
Lang, Fritz, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists)
Lange, K. D., 125; Exhibit 11k, 483
Lange, Serge, Exhibit 3e, 428
Langer, Dr. Robert, 35
Lanier, Jason, 44; Exhibit 4a, 436; Exhibit 4b, 443
Lansing, Sherry, 142
Lansky Meyer (Meyer Suchowljansky), 217, 361–364, 391, 409; Exhibit 23b, 516
Lantos, Tom, 75
Lapidus, Morris, 135
Lapine, James, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Larson, Jonathan, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11e, 473
Lasker, Albert, 335
Lasker, Emanuel, 90–91
Lasky, Jesse, 141, 146, 191
Lasry, Marc, Exhibit 21a, 512
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 343
Lasser, Jacob Kay, 113
Lasser, Terese, 113
Lauder, Aerin, 302
Lauder, Anne, 302
Lauder, Estée (née Josephine Esther Mentzer), 302–303; Exhibit 2b, 419; Exhibit 22a, 514
Lauder, Joseph (Lauter), 302
Lauder, Leonard, 302; Exhibit 8a, 452 (with Evelyn H.); Exhibit 21a, 510
Lauder, Ronald, 302; Exhibit 21a 510
Lauder, William, 302
Lauer, Matt, 175
Lauren, Ralph (née Lifshitz), 18, 296–298; Exhibit 21a, 510
Lautenberg, Frank, 74, 333
law, legal studies, and Jews (See also Oral Law) : in academia, 54–56; Supreme Court, 76–77; Irving Shapiro’s background, Jewish attorneys in Fortune 500 corporations, 188–189; academic background of Fortune 500 CEOs in 1997, 197; Pritzker firm, 226; increase in U. S. numbers of 1880 to 1920, 237; numbers in St Petersburg, Russia 1889 and 1939, 287–288, 383; Jacoby & Meyers role in making attorney’s advertising legal, 323–324; assertiveness, training and, 389, 390; creating their own firms, 392
Lax, Peter, Exhibit 3e, 428
Lazar, Berel, 292
Lazard, Alexandre, 210
Lazard, Elie, 210
Lazard, Lazard Freres, Lazard Freres & Co., 19, 208, 210–211, 213–214
Lazard, Simon, 210 “Lazari,” 274–275
Lazarus, Amelia, 274
Lazarus, Charles (Toys R Us), 195, 279, 282
Lazarus, Charles Y. (Federated Stores), 275
Lazarus, Emma, 103
Lazarus, Fred, 274–275
Lazarus, Fred Jr., 264, 266, 275
Lazarus, Hyman, 107
Lazarus, Rabbi Simon, 274
Lazarus, Ralph, 274–275
Lazarus, Robert Jr., 275
Lazarus, Simon, 275
Lazarus, Stuart, 275
Leah, 230
Lear, Norman, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Leavy, Jane, 79, 81
Leder, Marc, 282
Lederberg, Joshua, Exhibit 3b, 422
Lederman, Leon M., Exhibit 3a, 420
Lee, David M., Exhibit 3a, 420
Lee, Gypsy Rose, 175
Lee, Pinky, 126
Lee, Sara (Sarah Lee Lubin), 307
Lee, Stan, 104
Lee, Thomas H., 216–217, 306; Exhibit 21a, 512
Lee Equity Partners, 217
Leff, Paul, 223
Lefkowitz, Dr. Robert J., 35
LeFrak, Harrison, 241
LeFrak, Harry, 241
LeFrak, Jamie, 241
LeFrak, Richard, 238, 241; Exhibit 21a, 511 (and family) LeFrak, Samuel, 241
Lefrak City, 241
LeFrak Family, 241
Lefschetz, Solomon, Exhibit 3e, 428
Lehman, Bobby, 209
Lehman, Emanuel, 209
Lehman, Henry, 209
Lehman, Herbert, 209
Lehman, Jeffrey, 57
Lehman, Mayer, 209
Lehman, Nicholas, 49
Lehman Brothers, 208–211, 217, 219–220, 301
Lehrer, Tom, 126
Leiber, Jerry, 123; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11g, 475
Leibovitz, Annie, Exhibit 12c, 493
Leigh, Mike, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500
Leigh, Mitch, Exhibit 11e, 473
Leinsdorf, Erich, Exhibit 11b, 468, 469
Lelyveld, Joseph, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Lemlich, Clara (Shavelson), 346
Lender, Marvin, 377
Lenfest, H. F. (Gerry), 169
Lenfest, Marguerite, 169
Lenin, V. I., Leninism, Leninist, 24–25, 28, 93, 286–288, 293, 326, 340, 344, 355–356
Leonard, Benny, 86
Leonard, Jack E., 126
Leonard, Sheldon, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Leontief, Wassily, 52; Exhibit 7a, 449
Leopold, Nathan, 365; Exhibit 23c, 519
Lepke, Louis, 362–364; Exhibit 23b, 516
Lerner & Loewe, 121
Lerner, Alan Jay, Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Lerner, Alfred, 228–229; Exhibit 8a, 451 (with Norma) Lerner, Gerda Kronstein, 46
Lerner, Max, 101
Lerner, Nancy, Exhibit 21a, 512
Lerner, Norma, Exhibit 21a, 512
Lerner, Michael, 101
Lerner, Randolph (Randy), 82; Exhibit 21a, 512, Lerner, Robert, 46
Lerner, Theodore N., 84, 238; Exhibit 21a, 511
Leroy P. Steele Lifetime Achievement Award, 38
Leucadia National Corp, 225
Lev Leviev Group, 18, 290–292
Levant, Oscar, 126
Levene, Phoebus, Exhibit 2a, 415
Levi, Carlo, 99
Levi-Civita, Tullio, Exhibit 2a, 415
Levi-Montalcini, Rita, Exhibit 2a, 417; Exhibit 3b, 422
Levi, Primo, 99
Levi, Yoel, 119, Exhibit 11b, 468
Levi Strauss & Co., 18, 296–297, Leviev, Lev, 18, 286, 286, 289–294, 304, 357
Levin, Carl, 74
Levin, Gerald M., 18, 150, 169–170, 195
Levin, Ira, 100, 122; Exhibit 11e, 473
Levin, Richard Charles, 57
Levin, Sander, 75
Levine, Al, 83
Levine, Dr. Arnold J., 35
Levine, David, 109
Levine, Dennis, exhibit 23d, 522
Levine, Irving R., 175
Levine, James, 119–120, Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11b, 468
Levine, Philip, (physician) 103; Exhibit 2a, 416
Levine, Philip, (poet), Exhibit 10f, 466
Levine, Philip, (business – Onboard Media), Exhibit 8a, 451
Levinson, Barry, Exhibit 13a, 498
Levinson, Norman, Exhibit 3e, 428
Levinson, Richard, 173; Exhibit 508
Levitow, John Lee, 62
Levitt, Abraham, 238
Levitt, Alfred, 238
Levitt, Arthur, 188
Levitt, Helen, Exhibit 12, 490, 491, 493
Levitt, Steven, Exhibit 7b, 450
Levitt, William J., 28, 238–240; Exhibit 2b, 419
Levitt Corporation, 239–240
Levittown, 239
Levy, Asser, 60
Levy, Dolly, 116
Levy, Emanuel, 154
Levy, Ike, 166
Levy, Leon (CBS), 166, Levy, Leon (Oppenheimer & Odyssey), 213, 218
Levy, Marv, 82
Levy, Maurice, 44; Exhibit 4a, 433; Exhibit 4b, 440
Levy, Steve, 86
Levy-Hinte Jeffrey (and Jeanne), Exhibit 8a, 451
Lewin, Josh, 86
Lewinsky, Monica, 76
Lewis, Ann, 76
Lewis, Anthony, 101, 342
Lewis, Edward B., Exhibit 3b, 422
Lewis, Flora, 101
Lewis, Fred, 87
Lewis, Jerry, 126–7, 158, 175, 314; Exhibit 11m, 485
Lewis, Peter, Exhibit 24b, 528
Lewis, Salim (“Cy”), 210, 216
Lewis, Shari, 128, 173
LeWitt, Sol, Exhibit 12a, 487
Lewy, Hans, Exhibit 3e, 428
libertarian, Jews as, 67, 338–340
Libeskind, Daniel, 134–135, 135; Exhibit 12d, 496
Lichtenstein, Roy, 132; Exhibit 12a, 487; Exhibit 12b, 489
Lichtman, Al, 150
Lieberman, Joseph, 74, 117, 237, 320, 366
Lieberman-Cline, Nancy, 85
Lieberthall, Mike, 83
Liebman, Arthur, 349
Liebman, Wendy, 126; Exhibit 11m, 485
Liebowitz, Jack, 104
Lillian Vernon, 282–283
Lilienthal, Otto, Exhibit 2a, 414
Limited Brands (The Limited), 18, 195, 280
Linde, Edward H., 251
Linden, Hal, 175
linguistics and Jews, 17, 54, 130, 338–339
Link, William, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Lionel Trains, 312–313
Lipchitz, Jacques, 131–132; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 12a, 487
Lipman, Ira (and Barbara), Exhibit 8a, 453
Lipmann Fritz, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3b, 422
Lippman, Alexandre, 89
Lippman, Walter, 101
Lippmann, Gabriel, Exhibit 3a, 421
Lipset, Seymour Martin, 17, 101
Lipton, Peggy, 175
Lissitzky, El, Exhibit 12, 487
literacy and Jews (See also education and intelligence): made mandatory for, expensive, benefits of, 14, 389–390; low levels among immigrants from the Pale, 49; need for studying essential Jewish texts, tribal, religious, and cultural continuity across the miles and time, averting repeat of lost ten tribes, value placed on, 97, 260, 384–385, 389–390; possible effect on careers and self selection for higher IQs, 236, 260, 384–385, 389–390; question regarding Sephardic literacy over time, 385, 389–390; canonization of Torah/Pentateuch and Oral Law as early foundation for, 398
literature and Jews, Raphael Patai on emergence of prominence in, 7; Mark Twain and Paul Johnson on prominence in, 16, 55; Nobel in Literature, 17; Saul Bellow bio, 92–96; Nobel Prize for 97–98; other literature recognition, 99–104; newspapers, magazines, books and other publications, 105–113; manifestations of interest and talent, 389; Emancipation, Enlightenment, and Reform movement effect on Jews role in secular literature, 395–396
Litwack, Harry, 85
Livingstone, Mary (Sadye Marks), 126
Liz Claiborne, 296, 298, 299 “loans for shares” program in Russia, 359
Loeb, 207
Loeb, Carl, 209
Loeb, Richard, 365; Exhibit 23c, 519
Loeb, Solomon, 209
Loeb Rhoades, 209, 217
Loehmann, Frieda, 282
Loehmann’s, 282
Loesser, Frank, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11e, 473
Loew, Marcus, 140–141, 146, 191
Loewe, Frederick, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11f, 474
Loewi, Otto, Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3b, 423
Loews Hotels, 18, 194, 226, 314
Loews theaters, 140–142, 194
Lokey, Lorry, Exhibit 24b, 527
London, Fritz, Exhibit 2a, 416
London, Heinz, Exhibit 2a, 417
Lord & Thomas, 335
Lorre, Peter, 158
Lotus Software, 181, 184, 222
Loucheim, Jerome, 166
Louis, Joe E., 126
Louis, Morris, Exhibit 12a, 487
Louisa Gross Horvitz prizes, 35
Love, Courtney, 158; Exhibit 13d, 504
Lovitz, Jon, Exhibit 13d, 504
Lowell, A. Lawrence, 46–49
Lowenstein, Roger, 101
Lowey, Nita, 75
Lown, Bernard, 352
Lowy, Frank, 254
Lubavitcher Hassidic Jews (See also Chabad), 290, 292
Lubin, Charlie, 307–308
Lubin, Sara (Sara Lee), 307
Lubitsch, Ernst, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists) Luce, Henry, 169–170
Luciano, Charles “Lucky” (Salvatore Luciana), 361–363
Luckman, Sid, 82
Lukas, J. Anthony, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Lumet, Sidney, Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 502
Luria, Salvador, 65; Exhibit 3b, 422
Lurie, Alison, 99; Exhibit 10b, 461
Lurie, Ann, 250
Lurie, Jeffrey, 82
Lurie, Rabbi Brian, 376
Lurie, Robert, 249–250
Lusztig, George, Exhibit 3e, 428 (two lists) Luther, Martin, 11
Lutnick, Howard, 213
Luxemburg, Rosa, 344
Luzhkov, Yury, 359–361
Lwoff, André, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3b, 422
Lynton, Michael, 152
Lyon, Danny, Exhibit 12, 491
Lyons, Jeffrey, 104

• TOP •


Maazel, Lorin, Exhibit 11b, 469
Maccabees, 60, 232
Machpelah, 230
Mack, Fredric (and Tami), Exhibit 8a, 453
Macklowe, Harry, 238, 248–9, 251, 257; Exhibit 21a, 512
Macklowe, William, 248–249
Macklowe Properties, 248–249
Macy, Rowland H., 262
Macy’s, 18, 209, 261–269, 271–275, 284, 297, 319
Madoff, Bernard, 12, 366; Exhibit 23d, 522
magazine owners and publishers, Jews as, 107–109
magic, magicians, Jews as, 127–128
Magnin, Cyril, 272
Magnin, Isaac, 272
Magnin, Joseph, 272
Magnin, Mary Ann, 272
Maher, Bill, 126, 175
Mahler, Gustav, 120; Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 11b, 468; Exhibit 11c, 471; Exhibit 11d, 472
Maidenform, 301
Mailer, Norman, 99, 101; Exhibit 10b, 461; Exhibit 10c, 462
Maimonides, Moses: seminal thinker in philosophy, 17, 54, 401; major writer/commentator, 97, 205; on modifying the Torah admonition against charging interest, 205; a physician, 206; on the kuppah, on eight levels of tzedakah, 373–374; among history’s most influential, but not a second generation immigrant, 382; an eminent Sephardic 385; a rationalist, 387; lived on “verges” between Christians and Muslims, 388; on mandatory education and excommunicating those who do not provide education, 390; Exhibit 2a, 414
Malamud, Bernard, 99; Exhibit 10b, 461
Malkin, Judd, 255–256
Maltin, Leonard, 104
The Mamas and the Papas, 123
Mamet, David, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Man Ray, 131–132; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 12a, 487; Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Mandel, Howard, 126; Exhibit 11m, 485
Mandelstam, Osip, Exhibit 2a, 416
Mandelbrot, Felix, 17, 53
Manhattan Project, 29–30, 357
Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 157; Exhibit 13a, 498 (two films); Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501
Mann, Alfred, Exhibit 21a, 511
Mann, H. B., Exhibit 3e, 428
Mann, Herbie, 124
Manne, Shelly, 124; Exhibit 11i, 481
Manpower, 19, 332
Maranzano, Salvatore, 362
Marceau, Marcel, 126
Marciano, Armand, 298–299
Marciano, Maurice, 298–299
Marciano, Paul, 298–299
Marconi, Guglielmo, 161
Marcus, Bernard, 196, 278, 378; Exhibit 8a, 453 (with Wilma); Exhibit 21a, 512; Exhibit 24b, 527
Marcus, Herbert, 270
Marcus, Minnie, 270
Marcus, Rudolph A., Exhibit 3c, 424
Marcus, Stanley, 261, 270
Marcuse, Herbert, 389
Margulies, Donald, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Margulies, Julianna, Exhibit 13d, 505
Margulis, Gregori Alexandrovitch, Exhibit 3d, 426; Exhibit 3e, 428
Markowitz, Harry M., 52; Exhibit 7a, 449
Marks & Spencer, 18, 269, 276–277
Marks, Michael, 276
Marks, Simon (Lord Marks of Broughton), 276
Marmon Group, 226
Marquis, Jason, 83
Martin, Tony, 124
Marx, Chico, 126
Marx, Groucho, 126–127, 175; Exhibit 14a, 507
Marx, Harpo, 126
Marx, Karl: (See also Marxism and communism): seminal thinker in philosophy, 17; No. 11 among Hart’s “100 Most Influential Persons in History”, 20, 24, 26; counted among InteliQuest’s 100
Greatest People” 27; as a seminal economist, 52, 69; versus Friedman, 67; father of communism, 344; early history of Soviet experience 354–356; among history’s greats, 382; Jews lead thinking, pro and con, on communism versus capitalism, 388; Exhibit 2b, 418 (three lists) Marx, Marcus, 190, 299
Marx, Zeppo, 126
Marx Brothers, 126, 158; Exhibit 13e, 506
Marxism: deconstruction and 94; Chomsky’s rejection of, 338, 340; Daniel De Leon as, 343; Marxist Workers World editor Leslie Feinberg, 351; some history, 354–356
Masada, 405
Maskin, Eric S., Exhibit 7a, 449
Maslow, Abraham, 17, 54
Mason, Jackie, 126, 175; Exhibit 11m, 485
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 29, 37, 43, 52–54, 186, 196, 338
Massu, Nicolas, 87
master architects, Jews as, 17, 134–136
Material Service Corporation, 227
mathematicians, mathematics, Jews as: Fields Medal, 16; Jews among seminal thinkers in, 17, 36–37; Paul Guldin as, 23; Feynman as, 29; other awards, 38; academic leadership in, 53; Princeton Institute for Advanced Study and, 56; math and economics, 67–69; long history of Jewish accomplishments in , 130; education and, 260; math analogy in Chomsky’s view of linguistics, 338
Matrix Partners, 216, 220
Matson, Harold, “Matt,” 313
Mattel Toys, 220, 313
Matthau, Walter, 158
Matthew, 205
Mattus, Reuben, 305
Mattus, Rose (Vesel), 305
Matz, Israel, 320
Matz, Sidney, 320
Max, Steve, 349
Max Factor, 301–303, 310
Maxwell, Robert, Exhibit 23d, 522
May, David, 273
May, Elaine, 126, 175
May, Morton (“Buster”) David, 273
May, Morton J., 273
May, Peter, 378
May Company Department Stores, 18, 268, 271, 273, 275
Mayer, Harold, 210
Mayer, Jacob, 145
Mayer, Louis B., 28, 141, 144–147; Exhibit 2b, 419
Mayer, Sarah, 145
Mazel, Lorin, 119
Mazur, Barry, Exhibit 3e, 428
McAllister, Bob, 128
McAndrews and Forbes, 224
McCarthy, John, Exhibit 3f, 429
McCourt, Jamie, 84
Meara, Anne, 126
Mechnikov, Ilya Ilyich, Exhibit 3b, 423
Medal of Honor, 60–2
medicine, medical education, and Jews: Mark Twain and Paul Johnson’s observations on, 16, 55; Nobels 16, 32–34; history as leading thinkers and practitioners of, 17, 130, 207; philanthropic support for (also in many of the individual profiles) 17, 379; Albany Center Prize, 34–35; Flexner and medical education, 54; as one of the limited number of careers open to Jews, 235; in Soviet Union, 288; education and, 390
Medoff, Mark, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464
Medved, Michael, 104, 175, 397
Mega, 217, 376–379
Meier & Frank, 272–273
Meier, Aaron, 272
Meier, Jeannette (“Shannet”) née Hirsch, 272
Meier, Richard, 134–135; Exhibit 12d, 495, 496
Meir, Golda, Exhibit 22a, 514
Meisalas, Susan, Exhibit 12c, 491
Meisel, Marcus, 206
Meitner, Lise, Exhibit 2a, 415
Mendelssohn, Felix, 120; Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 11d, 472
Mendelssohn, Moses, 130, 383, 387, 395, 401; Exhibit 2a, 414
Mendes, Sam, Exhibit 13a, 498
Mendoza, Daniel, 86
Menken, Alan, 122; Exhibit 11e, 473
Men’s Warehouse, 18, 281
Menshevik party and Jews, 343–4, 355
Menuhin, Yehudi, 120; Exhibit 11a, 467
merchandising, merchants, Jews as:
traditional perception of Jews as, 180; changing the prohibition on usury—a step which facilitated commerce, 205–206; one of the limited number of careers open to Jews, 206, 235; Goldman Sachs and Lehman’s roots as, 208–209; Jews in America as, 237; long history as 259–261; individual profiles, 261–285; gems and precious metals as merchandise traded internationally by Jews, 392
Merchant, Larry, 86
Merrill, Robert, 120
Merrill Lynch, 194, 197, 199, 208, 215, 227
Merton, Robert C., 52, 68; Exhibit 7a, 449
Mervyns, 18, 280
Messing, Debra, 175
Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), 140, 141, 144–147, 149–150, 152–155, 309
Metro Pictures, 145–146
Metzenbaum, Howard, 75
Metzker, Ray, Exhibit 12c, 491
Meyer, Andre, 210–211
Meyer, Barry, 152
Meyer, Eugene Isaac, 70, 105, 210, 227
Meyer, Marc, 210
Meyer, Viktor, Exhibit 2a, 414
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, Exhibit 2a, 414
Meyerhof, Otto, Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3b, 423
Meyerhoff, Howard “Bud,” 377
Meyerhoff, Robert, Exhibit 24b, 527
Meyerowitz, Joel, Exhibit 12c, 491
Meyers, Stephen, 323–324
Meyerson, Roger B., Exhibit 7a, 449
Michaels, Al, 86
Michaels, Lorne, 126, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Michals, Duane, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Michelson, Albert A., Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 3a, 421
Middle Ages and Jews, 45, 97, 206, 233–234, 260, 382, 385, 387, Midler, Bette, 126, 158; Exhibit 13d, 504
Midrash, 97, 389
Mikhoels, Solomon, 289
Milder, Mark, 89
Milestone, Lewis, Exhibit 13a, 499 (two films); Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501
Milhaud, Darius, Exhibit 2a, 416
military experience of Jews, 58–63, 234, 237, 405
Milk, Harvey, 28, 72, 350; Exhibit 2b, 418
Milken, Michael, 214, 366–367; Exhibit 21a, 511; Exhibit 23d, 522; Exhibit 23e, 524
Miller, Arthur, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 10e, 464 (three plays); Exhibit 11a, 467
Miller, Jonathan, 101
Miller, Josh, 82
Miller, Larry, 126
Miller, Merton H., 52; Exhibit 7a, 449
Miller, Mitch, Exhibit 11l, 484
Millhauser, Steven, 99; Exhibit 10b, 461
Milstein, César, Exhibit 3b, 422
Milstein, Constance, Exhibit 8a, 451
Milstein, Henrietta, 281
Milstein, Monroe, 281
Milstein, Nathan, 120; Exhibit 11a, 467
Milstein, Paul, 238; Exhibit 21a, 510
Milstein family, 249
mining, Jews in, 290–291, 293–294, 328–332
Minkow, Barry, Exhibit 23d, 523
Minkowski, Hermann, Exhibit 2a, 415
Minsky, Marvin, Exhibit 3f, 429
Miramax, 140, 150, 152–153
Mises, Richard von, Exhibit 2a, 415
Mishnah, 96, 373, 398
Miskoff, Edward J., 249
Mitnik, Kevin, 368
mitzvah, mitzvot (pl) (See also bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, and bas mitzvah), 343, 373
Mix, Ron, 82
mobsters, Jews as, 361–364
Model, Lisette, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491
moderation, in diet and drink, 391
Modigliani, Amedeo, 131–132, 132; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 12a, 487; Exhibit 12b, 489
Modigliani, Franco, 52; Exhibit 7a, 449
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 131; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 12a, 487; Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Moissan, Ferdinand, Exhibit 2a, 414 (two listings: chemistry, technology); Exhibit 3c, 425
Moldaw, Stuart, 281
Monash, General Sir John, 60
money and Jews, 393–394
money lending and Jews (See also interest, charged/earned for lending money), 204–207
monotheism, ethical and Judaism, 386–387
Monroe, Marilyn, 158; Exhibit 13e, 506
Montaigne, Michel de, Exhibit 2a, 414 (two listings) Monteux, Pierre, 119; Exhibit 11b, 468, 469, 470
Moore, Mary Tyler, Exhibit 13d, 505
Moos, Eric Owen, Exhibit 12d, 495
Moonves, Leslie, 152
Moravia, Alberto (Pincherle), Exhibit 2a, 417
Moreil, Admiral Ben, 61
Morgan, Henry, 175
Morgan, Robin, 351
Morgenstern, Oskar, 70; Exhibit 2a, 416
Morgenthau, Henry Jr., 19, 69, 224
Morgenthau, Henry Sr., 224, 369
Moritz, Michael, 222
Morris, Mervin, 280–281
Morris, Nathan, 284
Mortgage Guarantee Insurance (MGIC), 258
Moscowitz, Henry, 348
Moses: historically important figure, 20, 23, 26–27, 382; important philosopher, 54; receiver of Torah and Oral Law, 96, 204; as an activist, 343; one receiver of the Covenant, 381; willing to be different, 393; five books become Pentateuch, 398; Exhibit 2b, 418, 419
Moses, Robert, 258
Moss, Adam, 109
Moss, Jerry, 123; Exhibit 11g, 476
Most, Andrea, 121
Most Influential People in History, 20–28, 408
Mottelson, Ben R., Exhibit 3a, 420
movie directors, Jews as, 17, 156–157; Exhibit 13a, 498–499; Exhibit 13b, Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501–502
movie stars, Jews as, 157–159; Exhibit 13d, 503–505
Mueller, Lisel, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Muhammad, 11, 17, 25–26, 206, 259, 408
Müller, Hermann Joseph, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3b, 423
Murder Incorporated and Jews, 361, 363–364
Murdoch, Rupert, 106, 108–109, 145, 167–168, 185, 328
Murray, Arthur (née Moses Teichman), 321
Murray, Charles, 20–24, 129, 131–2, 382, 385, 395, 402, 409
Murray, Jan, 126
Murray, Kathryn (Kohnfelder), 321
music, classical, and Jews, 119–121
music, country and Jews, 125
music, jazz and Jews, 124–125, 138
music, rock ‘n’ roll and Jews, 122–124
music and Jews, 7, 16, 55, 118–126, 288
Music Corporation of America (MCA), 143
Myers, A. C., 60
Myerson, Bess, 175
Myrdal, Gunnar, 66–68

• TOP •


Nachman, Gerald, 104
Nadler, Jerrold, 75
Naify, Robert, Exhibit 21a, 513
Nakash, Avi, 299
Nakash, Joe, 299
Nakash, Ralph, 299
Nakash Brothers, 298–299
Nally, Edward J., 161–2
Napoleon, 12, 15, 200–204, 234, 395
Nash, Jack, 213, 218
Nash, John, 10, 36–37, 56, 67, 70
Nasser, Gamal, Abdel, 58
Nathan, Syd, 123; Exhibit 11g, 476
Nathans, Daniel, Exhibit 3b, 422
Nathanson, Marc B. (and Jane), Exhibit 8a, 452
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 348–349
National Basketball Association (NBA), 83–86
National Book Award, 94, 99
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 18, 113, 152, 153, 162–163, 165–8
National Football League (NFL), 20, 82
National Jewish Population Survey, 181, 374, 399
Native American rights and Jews, 348
Neely, Frank, 270
Neher, Erwin, Exhibit 3b, 422
Neiman, Al, 270
Neiman, Carrie, 270
Neiman Marcus, 18, 261, 266, 270
Neisser, Albert, Exhibit 2a, 414
Nemerov, Howard, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Nerlove, Marc Leon, Exhibit 7b, 450
Nero, Peter, 124
Nessen, Ron, 175
Netanyahu, Lieutenant Colonel “Yoni,” 62
Neuberger, Roy R., 219
Neuberger Berman, 219
Neumann, Paul, 88
Neurath, Otto, Exhibit 2a, 415
Neutra, Richard, Exhibit 12d, 495, 496
New Amsterdam, 47, 60, 236
New York magazine, 109, 222
New York Real Estate Families, 241–246
The New York Review of Books, 109
The New York Times, 18, 70, 105, 107, 388
New York University (NYU), 29, 52
95, 185, 194, 197, 217, 221, 225, 226, 246, 251, 319, 320, 322, 328, 332, 333, 334
The New Yorker, 107, 109, 284
Newhouse, Donald, 107; Exhibit 21a, 510
Newhouse, Samuel Irving, Jr., 107; Exhibit 21a, 510
Newhouse, Samuel Irving, 107
Newhouse family, 17
Newman, Arnold, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 493
Newman, Barnett, 131; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 12a, 487
Newman, Ed, 82
Newman, Edwin, 175
Newman, Lorraine, 175
Newman, Paul, 10, 158; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 13d, 503
Newman, Pauline, 346
News Corporation (see also Fox Broadcasting, Fox News, etc.), 145, 167–168
newspapers, Jews as owners and publishers, 105–107
Newton, Helmut, Exhibit 12c, 491
NFL Hall of Fame inductees, 20, 82
Nichols, Mike, 157; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501
nickelodeons, 140, 142, 191
Nidetch, Jean, 311; Exhibit 22a, 514
Niederhoffer, Victor, 87
Nimoy, Leonard, 175
Nirenberg, Louis, Exhibit 3e, 428
Nirenberg, Marshall W., Exhibit 3b, 422
Nitka, David, 10, 258
Nixon, Cynthia, 175
Nobel, Alfred, 32, 67, 77
Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 35–36
Nobel Prize for Economics (The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel), 67–69
Nobel Prize for Literature, 17, 97–98
Nobel Prize for Peace, 77–78
Nobel Prize for Physics, 29, 32–33
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, 33–34
Nobel prizes: Jews as winners of 13, 16–17, 24, 383, 405; Feynman, 29–31; Alfred Nobel, history, and prestige of, 31–32; Physics, 32–33; Physiology or Medicine, 33–34; Chemistry, 35–36; why no math Nobel? 37; Nobel laureates in academia, 52–54; Milton Friedman and 65–67; Economics, 67–68; Clark medals and Nobels, 68–69; Peace, 77–78; Saul Bellow and, 92, 95; Literature, 97–98; selected literature winners, 99–100; Bernard Lown and one peace prize, 352; recent higher rate of Jews winning Nobels, 383, 405; Jews of differing persuasions winning Economics’ Nobel, 388; Einstein’s Nobels and “thinking differently,” 393
Noether, Emmy, Exhibit 2a, 415
Nones, Benjamin, 60
Norton Simon Art Museum, 310
Norzis, 207
Novak, Robert, 101
Nuland, Dr. Sherwin, 101, 391
Nusbaum, Aaron, 191, 267, 370
Nusbaum, Augusta, 370
NutriSystem, 18, 311–312
Nye, Louis, 126

• TOP •


Obama, Barack, 223
Occidental Petroleum, 19, 326
Oceans, Lucky (Reuben Gosfield), 125
Ochs, Adolph Simon, 105, 107
Odets, Clifford, 102; Exhibit 2a, 417
Odyssey Partners, 213, 218
Ofer, Eyal, 318
Ofer, Samuel, 318
Offenbach, Jacques, Exhibit 2a, 414
oil, gas, petrochemicals and Jews, 324–8
Okker, Tom, 87
Okun, Arthur, 69
Olah, George, 17, 53; Exhibit 3c, 424
Olenicoff, Igor, 238
oligarchs, Russian, Jews as, 358–61
Olshansky, Igor, 82
Olympia & York/Canary Wharf Group, 256
Olympic sport, medals, Jews as winners of, 87, 88–90
Olmert, Ehud, 352
Omidyar, Pierre, 184 on -air talent, Jews as, 174–175
Ophuls, Max, Exhibit 13b, 500
opinion commentators and political writers, Jews as, 101
Oppen, George, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Oppenheimer, Ernest, 293, 331
Oppenheimer, Henry, 331
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 26, 29, 44, 56, 357, 388; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 2b, 419; Exhibit 4a, 430; Exhibit 4b, 441
Oppenheimer, Jonathan, 294
Oppenheimer, Max, 213
Oppenheimer, Nicky F., 294, 332
Oppenheimer, Samuel, 207
Oppenheimer & Co, 213
Oppenheimer Capital, 213
Oppenheimer family—mining, minerals, and gems, 191, 290, 291, 293–294,331–332, Oppenheimer—finance, 199, 207, 213, 218
Oppenheimer Funds, the, 213
Oracle Corporation, 19, 181–3
Oral Law (See also Talmud, Mishnah, and Gemara): history, proclamation by Pharisees, codification and reasons for, consequences, 14, 96–97; vehicle for modifying Torah proscriptions, such as those on usury, 204–206; evolution into Talmud, history, effect on literacy and mandatory education, 233, 259, 384, 389, 398
Orbach, Jerry, 175
Orenstein, Norman, 101
organized crime, Jews and, 361–365
Orion Pictures, 140, 147, 153
Orkin, Ruth, Exhibit 12c, 491
Ormandy, Eugene, 119–120; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11b, 468, 469
Ornstein, Donald S., Exhibit, 3e, 428
Oscars and Jews (See also Academy Awards), 140, 148–153, 155–157
Osher, Bernard, 11; Exhibit 24b, 527
Osher Lifelong Learning (OLLI), 11
Osheroff, Douglas D., Exhibit 3a, 420
Ostin, Moe, 123; Exhibit 11g, 476
Ottenheimer, Louis, 269 “Our Crowd,” 47–48, 236–237, 264, 273
Outlet Book Company, 112
Ovitz, Michael, 151
Owens (née Lowenstein), Ronn, 175
Oz, Amos, 99

• TOP •


Pale of Settlements: how Jews got there, a Diaspora destination, Katherine the Great creates, 130, 231; Harry Cohn’s parents, 148; David Sarnoff’s early schooling, 160; emigration to America just as ready-to-wear industry begins, 192; history during Middle Ages, 234; Emancipation, except in the Pale where life was horrific; only three exits, 234–235; immigration to America from, 237; Albert Greenfield, 273; Slezkine on history and emigration from Pale to America, Palestine and the Soviet Union, 286–287; Joshua Lionel Cowen’s parents, 312
Palestine and Palestinians: the Source and, 10; Judah Maccabee in , 60; Balfour doctrine, Rothschilds purchase of land for settlers in , financing the Knesset, 202; history of Jews and, 232; return as an urban people, 235; creation of Israel in, 236; Slezkine on Soviet Union as a destination for Jews from the Pale, 286; subsequent emigration from Soviet Union/Russia after Stalin’s death, 289; Matz as a buyer of land for Jews, 320; Blaustein and Ben Gurion, 325; Chomsky on, 341; secular Zionists immigrate to, 404
Paley, William, 166, 190; Exhibit 14a, 507; Exhibit 14b, 508
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Paneth, Friedrich, Exhibit 2a, 415
Pantheon Books, 110, 112
Paramount Pictures, 140–142, 146, 151–153, 155, 166–168, 173, 185, 191, 209, Paramount theaters, 141–2
Parker, Dorothy, 104; Exhibit 22a, 514
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 158, 175; Exhibit 13d, 503
Parsons, Louella, 104
Partnership for Jewish Education, 377, 399
Pasch, Moritz, Exhibit 2a, 414
Pashkow, Jessica F., 51
Pasternak, Boris, 97–99, 287; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 10a, 459
Pasternak, Leonid, 287
Patai, Raphael, 7, 23, 382, 395
Patricof & Co, 222
Patricof, Alan, 19, 216, 222
Pattiz, Norman (and Mary), Exhibit 8a, 453
Paul, Gabe, 84
Pauli, Wolfgang, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3a, 421
Paulson, Henry, 198, 209
Paulson, John, Exhibit 21a, 511
Pavin, Corey, 87
Peabody Awards, 115, 118, 172–174
Pearl, Daniel, 101
Pe’er. Shahar, 87
Peerce, Jan, 120
Peet, Amanda, Exhibit 13d, 505
Peltz, Nelson, Exhibit 21a, 513
Penn, Arthur, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500
Penn, Irving, Exhibit 12c, 490, 492, 493
Penn, Sean, Exhibit 13d, 503
Pennsylvania, University of, 50–3, 56–57, 108, 196, 217, 274, 320, 338, 372
penny arcades, 140, 144, 191
Pentagon Papers, 106, 352
Pentateuch (See also Torah), 96, 398, 400
Penzias, Arno, 32–33; Exhibit 3a, 420
People of the Book, 17, 47, 389
Perelman, Grigori; Exhibit 3d, 427
Perelman, Ronald O., 212, 224, 302; Exhibit 21a, 510
Peres, Shimon, 78, 202; Exhibit 8c, 456
Periclean Greece, 16
Perl, Martin, 33; Exhibit 3a, 420
Perl, William, 357
Perlis, A. J., Exhibit 3f, 429
Perlman, Itzhak, 120; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11l, 484
Perlman, S. J., 104
Perry, Richard Cayne, 222–223
Perry Capital, 222–223
Perutz, Max Ferdinand, Exhibit 3c, 424
Peruvian Indians (Sendero Luminoso), 348
Peston, Robert, 277
Petaluma and the Jewish chicken farmers, 235
Peters, Roberta, 120
Peterson, Pete, 209, 217
Petrie, Carroll, 282
Petrie, Milton, 282
Petrie Stores, 282
Petschauer, Attila, 89
Pevsner, Antoine, 131; Exhibit 2a, 415
Phaidon, 131–132
Pharisees and Rabbinical Judaism 11, 96, 233, 259, 384, 398, 402
Philanthropy, Jewish rates of, 374–375
Philanthropy, Jews and (See also Tzedakah, tikkun olam, kuppah, and, mitzvah, and many individual profiles which detail the individual and family philanthropies of many covered in this book), Business Week’s identification of, duties of, 13, 17; entrepreneurship as source for, 18; Annenberg, 108; Jacobs 186; Greenberg (Hank) and Wexner, 195; Blank, 196; Kahn, Schiff, Warburg, Greenberg (Ace), 209–210; Milken, 214; Steinhardt, 217; de Hirsch, 223; Lerner, 229; Bren, 239; Rudin 243; Goldmans, 244; Rose, 246; Ross, 249; Simon, 252; Bucksbaum, 253; Glazer, 255; Swigs and Weiler, 258;
Rosenwald, Kaufmann, 268; Phillips, 300; Craig, 312; Bloch, 323; Blaustein, 325; Kaiser, 327; black schools by Rosenwald, 348; Madoff, 366; Rosenwald, 369– 71; in America, 371–372; tzedakah, kuppah, tikkun olam, 372–374; rates of 374–375; declines to Israel & Jewish causes, 375–376; Mega, 376–378; Business Week’s “50 Most Generous . . “, 378–379; money and, 393–394; justice and charity, 394–395
Philo Judaeus, Exhibit 2a, 414
Phillips, Endel, 299
Phillips, Isaac, 299
Phillips, Lawrence, 300
Phillips, Moses, 299–300
Phillips, Ralph S., Exhibit 3e, 428
Phillips Curve, 66
Phillips-Van Heusen, 297, 299–300
philosophy, and Jews, 17, 54–55, 93, 130
Phoenix, Joaquin, Exhibit 13d, 503
photography, photographers (Master), Jews as, 17, 41, 132–134, 154, 319
physics, physicists, Jews as, 16–17, 29–33, 41, 53
physiology or medicine Nobels, Jews and, 16–17, 32, 33–35, 54–55, 77, 130, 235
Piatetski–Shapiro, Ilya, Exhibit 3e, 428
Pincus, Gregory, 20, 26, 44; Exhibit 2a, 416 (two lists: biology and medicine); Exhibit 2b, 419 (two lists); Exhibit 4a, 431; Exhibit 4b, 442
Pincus, Lionel, 212
Pinsky, Robert, 103
Pinter, Harold, 98–99, 102; Exhibit 10a, 459; Exhibit 10e, 464
pirates, Jews as, 364–365
Pissarro, Camille, 131–132, 132, 382; Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 12a, 488
pitchers (baseball), Jews as, 79–81, 83–84
Platt, Lewis E., 196–197
playwrights and screenwriters, Jews as, 102
Pleskow, Eric, 150, 153
Pnueli, Amir, Exhibit 3f, 429
Podhoretz, Norman, 101, 389
Podoloff, Maurice, 85
Pogroms, 47, 130, 234–235, 243, 286–287, 358, 383–384
Polanski, Roman, 157; Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 501
Polanyi, John C., Exhibit, 3c, 424
polarization, polarizers, 40–41, 319
Polaroid, 41–43, 319, 335
Politzer, H. David, Exhibit 3a, 420
Pollack, Ben, Exhibit 11i, 480
Pollack, Kenneth, 175
Pollack, Sydney, Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 502
Pollard, Jonathon, 358; Exhibit 23a, 515
Pollin, Abe, 86
Pomerance, Bernard, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464
Pomus, Doc, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475
Popeil, Isidor, 284
Popeil, Mary, 284
Popeil, Ron, 18, 284
Popeil, Samuel, 284
Porter, Sylvia, 104
Portman, Natalie; Exhibit 13d, 503
Posner, Victor, 322
Postville, 12, 393
Potanin, Vladimir, 361
Potok, Chaim, 10, 99
Povich, Maury, 175
Prager, Dennis, 175
pragmatism and Jews, 13, 74, 205, 345, 347, 387, 402, 404, Preminger, Otto, 149, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500
premium ice cream and Jewish entrepreneurs, 305–307
Pressel, Morgan, 87
Presser, Jackie, 347
Pressman, Barney, 280
Pressman, Fred, 280
Previn, Andre, 119–20; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11b, 468, 469, 470; Exhibit 11h, 470 (two Grammys) Price, John (and Marcia), Exhibit 8a, 452
Price, Michael, Exhibit 21a, 512
Price, Robert, 278–9
Price, Sol, 278
Prigogine, Ilya, Exhibit 3c, 424
print Journalists, Jews as, 101
Prinze, Jr., Freddie, Exhibit 13d, 504
Pritzker, Anthony, Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Daniel, Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Don, 315
Pritzker, James, Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Jay, 226, 315, 318
Pritzker, Jay Robert (JB), Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Jean (Gigi), Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, John, Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Karen, Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Linda, Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Nicholas, 226
Pritzker, Nicholas II, Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Penny, 315; Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Robert, 226
Pritzker, Thomas, 318; Exhibit 21a, 511
Pritzker, Thomas J., 226
Pritzker and Pritzker, 226
Pritzker Organization, 226, 256
Private Equity Hall of Fame, 19, 216–217, 221–222
Producers of movies, television fare, festivals etc., Jews as: Streisand as, 116; George Wein, 124; The Jazz
Singer,(Warner) 138; Zukor (Paramount), Lasky, 141, 191; Laemmle Sr. & Jr. (Universal), 143; Fox (Fuchs), 144; Mayer, (MGM), 145–146; Goldwyn (Goldfish), Thalberg, Selznick, 146; Schary, 147; Cohn (Columbia) 148; Warner Brothers, 149; Krim and Benjamin (United Artists), 150; Disney, 151; Weinsteins (Mirimax), 152–153; Spielberg and Katzenberg, (Dreamworks), Krim and Benjamin (Orion), 153; Coen brothers, 154; Kubrick, 154–155; Selznick, 155; Spiegel, 155–156; Todd, Reiner, 156; Arledge, Diller, 167; other prominent radio and television producers, 172–174; Bloomingdale, 266
professional baseball and Jews, 79–81, 83–84
professional basketball and Jews, 83, 84–85
professional football and Jews, 81–83
professors (colleges and universities), Jews as, 55–57
progress, the notion of, and Jews, 13, 387
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 12, 189
Proust, Marcel, 97, 99; Exhibit 2a, 415
Prusiner, Stanley, 17, 34, 54; Exhibit 3b, 422
psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychology, and Jews, 17, 54, 56, 92, 103, 116–117, 338–339, Ptolemies, 232
publishers, Jews as: real estate information, 10, 258; synopsis, 18; newspapers, 105–7; magazines and other publications, 107–109; books, 110–113; Sarnoff’s NBC, 163; Redstone, Viacom, 168; Time Warner, 169–70; The Outsiders study, 192; Eugene Meyer and Katherine Graham, 210; Bloomberg, 227; Zuckerman, 251; Straus family, 263; Brentanos, 283; Simon, 310; Stern, 319; Smolensky Bible in the Soviet Union, 360
Pulitzer, Joseph, 99, 106–7
Pulitzer, Joseph II, 107
Pulitzer, Joseph III, 107
Pulitzer, Michael E., 107
Pulitzer Inc., 106–7
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, 99–100
Pulitzer Prize, 17–18, 99–104, 106–7, 109
Pulitzer Prize for Drama, 102
Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction, 100–101
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, 103
Purim, Flora, 124
Putin, Vladimir, 290, 292, 359–60, 368

• TOP •


Qualcomm 19, 181, 186
Quantum Fund, 19, 217
Queen, Ellery, 100
quotas and Jews, 29, 46–9, 51, 237
QVC, 18, 169, 185, 284–285, 311

• TOP •


Rabbinic Judaism, 13–14, 96, 205, 259–260, 384–385, 398, 402
Rabi, Isidor Isaac, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3a, 421
Rabin, Matthew, Exhibit 7b, 450
Rabin, Michael O. Exhibit 3f, 429
Rabin, Yitzhak, Exhibit 8c, 456
Rabinowitz, Cantor, 138
race car drivers, Jews as, 88
racquetball players, Jews as, 88
Radek, Karl, 355–356
radio and Jews: Sarnoff, RCa 160–164; history, NBC, CBS, ABC, 165–167;, 170–171, 187; producers, on air talent, 172–175; Bloomberg, 227; Fisher, 322; Gusinsky, 360
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 110, 162–165
Radio Hall of Fame, 165
Radner, Gilda, 126, 175; Exhibit 11m, 485
Rady, Ernest, Exhibit 21a, 512
Rahr, Stewart, Exhibit 21a, 512
Rakita, Mark, 89
Ram, Andy, 87
Ramon, Ilan, 62–63
Ramones, 123; Exhibit 11g, 476
Rand, Ayn, 99
Randall, Tony, 175
Random House, 18, 110–112, 163, 386
Rapaport, David, 17, 54
Raphael, Mickey, 125
Raphaelson, Samson, 121, 137–138
rationalism, rationality and Jews (See also Oral Law, Pharisees and Rabbinic Judaism, pragmatism, and Talmud), 13–15, 109, 205, 387, 404
Ratner, Bruce, 86
Ratner, Gerald, 294
Rauschenberg, Robert, Exhibit 12a, 488
Ray, Man, (See Man Ray) Raynor, Bruce, 347
ready-to-wear (see apparel) real estate and Jews (See also many individual profiles), 19, 230–258, 293
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), 241, 249–251
RealNetworks, 186–187
Rebecca, 230
Rebellions, Jewish (See also Bar Kokhba revolt, Maccabees, and Hasmonean state), 14, 60, 232–233
Redstone, Sumner (Sumner Murray Rothstein), 111, 142, 166, 168, 185, 193, 196–197; Exhibit 21a, 510
Reebok/Adidas, 300
Reform movement in Judaism, 15, 122, 130–131, 381, 393, 395, 399, 402
Regency Centers, 251
Reich, Robert, 76
Reichenbach, Hans, Exhibit 2a, 416
Reichmann, Paul, 256
Reichmann, Albert, 256
Reichmann, Edward, 256
Reichstein, Tadeus, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3b, 422
Reiner, Carl, 126, 156, 175; Exhibit 14b, 508
Reiner, Fritz, Exhibit 11b, 468, 469
Reiner, Rob, 156, 175
Reines, Frederick, 33; Exhibit 3a, 420
Reinhardt, Ad, Exhibit 12a, 488
Reinsdorf, Jerry, 84, 86
Reiser, Paul, 127, 175; Exhibit 11m, 485
Reisman, Garrett, 63
The Related Companies, 249
Reles, Abraham “Kid Twist,” 363–364; Exhibit 23b, 516
Remak, Robert, Exhibit 2a, 414
Remnick, David, 101, 109; Exhibit 10c, 462
Renaissance, 16, 45, 119, 130–131, 205, 207, 402
Rennert, Ira, Exhibit 21a, 510
Republic National Bank, 215
Resnik, Judith, 62–63
Resnik family, 249
retailing and Jews: prominence, 18; Rosenwald, high traditional participation, 191–192; 1997 study, leadership of major retailers, 195; Goldman Sachs legacy; 208; Kuhn Loeb legacy; 209; some history of Jews and, 259–261; department stores, 261–277; specialty retailers, discounters and apparel stores, 277–284; television 284–285; jewelry, 294–296; Baskin–Robbins; 306; Starbucks, 308; Rosenwald and Sears, Roebuck, 370
return to the land movement and Jews, 223, 235–236
Reubens, Paul (“Pewee Herman”), 127
Reuter, Paul Julius (née Israel Beer Josaphat and later Joseph Josaphat), 106
Reuters, 18, 106
Revlon, 224, 301–302
Revolutionary War and Jews, 60, 228
Revson, Charles, 18, 302–303
Revson, Peter, 88
Reza, Yasmina, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464
Rhodes, Cecil, 202, 293
Ribicoff, Abraham, 75
Ricardo, David, 17, 52, 69
Rice, Elmer, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Rich, Adrienne, 103
Rich, Ben, 63
Rich, Buddy, 124; Exhibit 11i, 480
Rich, Frank, 101
Rich, Marc, 328, 366–367; Exhibit 21a, 513; Exhibit 23d, 522; Exhibit 23e, 524
Rich, Michael, 270
Rich, Morris, 269–70
Rich, Richard, 270
Rich, William, 269
Richards, Rene, 87, 283
Richler, Mordecai, 100
Rich’s Department Stores, 269–70
Richter, Burton, Exhibit 3a, 420
Rickles, Don, 127
Rickover, Admiral Hyman, 62
Riesman, David, 17, 55
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 10
Ritts, Herb, Exhibit 12c, 492
Ritz, Benjamin, 283
Ritz, David, 283–284
Ritz, Edward, 283
Ritz Brothers, 127
Ritz Camera 18, 283–4
Rivera, Geraldo, 175
Rivers, Joan, 127, 175
Robbins, Harold, 100
Robbins, Irvine, 306
Robbins, Jerome, Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13c, 501
Roberts, Brian, 169, 193
Roberts, George, 210, 216; Exhibit 21a, 510
Roberts, Ralph J., 168, 285
Roberts, Richard J., Exhibit 3b, 422
Roberts, Steven, 101, 175
Robin, Jack (Jakie Rabinowitz), 138
Robinson, Edward G., 158; Exhibit 13e, 506
Robinson, Jerry, 104
Rock, Arthur, 19, 177, 179, 183, 216, 220
Rock “n” Roll Museum, 123
Rodbell, Martin, Exhibit 3b, 422
Rodgers, Richard, 28, 102; Exhibit 2b, 419; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11e, 473 (three shows); Exhibit 11f, 474 (four shows) Rodgers and Hammerstein, 27, 121; Exhibit 2b, 419
Rodgers and Hart, 121
Rodzinski, Artur, Exhibit 11b, 468, 469
Roebuck, Alvah Curtis, 191, 267, 370
Rogers, Shorty, Exhibit 11i, 480
Rohatyn, Felix, 210–211
Rojas, Fernando, 23; Exhibit 2a, 414
roller skating, Jews in, 88
Rolling Stone, 109
Roma, 383
Rome, Romans: rebellions against and consequences, 14, 59–60, 96, 233, 385, 402; ghetto, 202; era of Roman Rule, Diaspora following destruction of rebels, 231–233, 259, 385, 389, 398; numbers of Jews during the Roman era, 400
Ronco, 284
Ronson, Gerald, Exhibit 23d, 521
Rose, Adam, 246
Rose, Daniel, 246
Rose, David, 246
Rose, Ernestine, 351
Rose, Fredrick, 246
Rose, Irwin, Exhibit 3c, 424
Rose, General Maurice, 61
Rose, Samuel, 246
Rose, Stuart, 276–277
Rose Associates, Inc., 246
Rose Family, 246
Roseanne (See Barr, Roseanne) Rosen, Al, 84
Rosen, Ben, 19, 216, 221–222
Rosen, Harold, 221
Rosenbaum, Solomon Guedalia, 191–192
Rosenberg, Ethel, 356, 358; Exhibit 23a, 515
Rosenberg, Julius, 356, 358, Exhibit 23a, 515
Rosenberg, Tina, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Rosenblatt, Roger, 175
Rosenbloom, “Slapsie Maxie,” 86
Rosenblum, Walter, Exhibit 12c 492
Rosenfels, Sage, 81–82
Rosenlicht, Maxwell A., Exhibit 3e, 428
Rosenstein, Barry, Exhibit 21a, 513
Rosenthal, A. M., 101
Rosenthal, Arthur, 112
Rosenthal, Ida, 301
Rosenthal, Joe, 133, 133
Rosenthal, Major General Sir Charles, 60
Rosenthal, Mike, 82
Rosenwald, Julius, 189, 191–192, 267–268, 348, 369, 369–371
Rosenwald schools, 370–371
Ross, Barney, 86
Ross, Harold, 109
Ross, Robb, 349
Ross, Stephen, 82, 238, 249; Exhibit 21a, 510
Ross, Steven J. (née Steven Jay Rechnitz), 149–150, 169–170, 195
Ross Stores (Ross Dress for Less), 281
Rossi, Salamone, 23; Exhibit 2a, 414
Rossman, Mike, 87
Rosten, Leo, 101, 103
Rostow, Walter, 69
Rotblat, Joseph, 78; Exhibit 8c, 456
Roth, Henry, 100
Roth, Hyman, 363
Roth, Klaus Friedrich, Exhibit 3d, 426
Roth, Mark, 87; Exhibit 2a, 416, Roth, Philip, 99–100, 112; Exhibit 10b, 461
Roth, Steven, 249–250; Exhibit 21a, 513
Rothko, Mark, 131–2; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 12a, 488; Exhibit 12b, 489
Rothmann, John, 175
Rothman, Steve, 75
Rothschild & Cie Banque, 203
Rothschild, Amschel, 199, 199, 201
Rothschild, Baron Edmond James de, 202
Rothschild, Edmond de, 203
Rothschild, Gutele, 199
Rothschild, James (Jacob), 199, 199, 201–202
Rothschild, Karl, 199, 199, 201
Rothschild, La Compagnie Financière Edmond de, 203
Rothschild, Lionel Nathan, 202
Rothschild, Lionel Walter, 202
Rothschild, Mayer Amschel, 199–204, 261
Rothschild, Nathan Mayer, 199, 199–202, 204
Rothschild, N.M., 203
Rothschild, Salomon, 199, 199, 201
Rothschild, Simon F., 264
Rothschild, Walter, 264
Rothschild family, 19 199–204, 207, 378
Rothschild Inc, 203
Rothschild Private Management Limited, 203
Rothschilds, Rothschild Inc., N.M.
Rothschild, Compagnie Financiere Edmond de Rothschild, 19, 199–204, 207–8, 215, 235, 273, 329
Rothstein, Arnold, 347, 362–3; Exhibit 23b, 516
Rothstein, Arthur, Exhibit 12c, 492, 493
Rowan, Marc, Exhibit 21a, 513
Rowland Institute for Science in Cambridge, 43
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, 18, 226, 315, 318
Rozanski, Geri, 349
Rubel, Stanley, 216
Rubenstein, Arthur, 120; Exhibit 11a; 467; Exhibit 11l, 484, Rubenstein, David, 222; Exhibit 21a, 511
Rubenstein, Matthew (Chip), 298
Rubin, J. Robert, 146
Rubin, Jerry, 20, 350
Rubin, Karl, Exhibit 3e, 428
Rubin, Robert, 69, 76, 209, 211, 222
Rubin, Samuel, 303
Rubinstein, Helena, 18, 301–303
Ruby, Jack, 368
Rudd, Mark, 349–350
Rudel, Julius, Exhibit 11b, 468
Rudin, Jack, 243
Rudin, Lewis, 243
Rudin, Louis, 243
Rudin, May, 243
Rudin, Rachel, 243
Rudin, Samuel, 243
Rudin Family, 241, 243
Rudin Management Co., 243
Rudinsky, Louis, 243
Rudman, Warren, 75
Rudolf, Max, Exhibit 11b, 469
Rudolph, Marvin (Mendy), 85
Rukeyser, Louis, 175, 228
Russian Jewish experience (see also Soviet Union, Stalin, and Communism):
the Cheka and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 12; Tsarist persecution and emigration, 40, 47, 189, 231, 234, 235, 337, 345–346, 370; Ashkenazi immigration to what became the Pale, Catherine the Great creates the Pale, 130; Soviet persecution and emigration, 182, 286–293, 340; Jacob Schiff and, 210; de Hirsch and, 223; Leviev family and, 287–293; Armand Hammer and, 326; Chomsky and, 337, 340; socialism, the Bund, communism, anarchism, 343–345; Soviet Communism and, 355–358; oligarchs, 358-361; Zhirinovsky, 368
Rutgers, 56, 64, 325
Ryder, Winona, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Ryskind, Morrie, 102, Exhibit 10d, 463

• TOP •


Saban, Haim, 76, 173; Exhibit 8a, 451; Exhibit 21a, 510; Exhibit 24b, 528
Sabin, Albert, 17, 34, 54; Exhibit 21, 417
Sachs, Hans, Exhibit 2a, 414
Sachs, Jeffrey, 70
Sachs, Leonard D., 85
Sachs, Nelly, 98, 100; Exhibit 10a, 459
Sachs, Samuel, 208
Sackheim, Maxwell, 110–111
Sackler, Howard, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 10e, 464
Sackman, Bert, Exhibit 3b, 422
Sacks, Dr. Oliver, 101
Sadducees, 233, 259, 384, 402
Safer, Morley, 175
Safire, William, 101, 400
Safra, Edmond, 215
Sagan, Carl, 55, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
sages, Jewish, 13–14
Sahl, Mort, 127, 175
sailing and rowing, Olympic sports, Jews in, 89
Saint Paul, 20, 23, 25–26, 382, 393; Exhibit 2b, 418, 419
Saks, Andrew, 265
Saks, Horace, 265
Saks Fifth Avenue, 18, 261, 265, 273, 302
Sales, Soupy, 127
Salgado, Sebastiao, Exhibit 12c, 490, 492, 493
Salinger, J. D., 94, 100
Salita, Dmitriy, 87
Salk, Jonas, 17, 26–28, 34, 54, 186; Exhibit 2b, 418, 419 (three lists) Saloman, Erich, Exhibit 12c, 492, 493
Salomon, Arthur, 211
Salomon, Billy, 211
Salomon, Dr. Ben, 61
Salomon, Edward, 60
Salomon (or Solomon), Haym, 60, 228
Salomon, Herbert, 211
Salomon, Percy, 211
Salomon Brothers, 19, 208, 211–212, 215, 220, 228
Salvador, Francis, 60
Sampras, Pete, 87
Samuel, Marcus (Viscount Bearsted of Maidstone), 324
Samuel, Samuel, 324
Samuel family, 19
Samueli, Henry, Exhibit 21a, 511
Samuelson, Paul, 17, 52, 66–8, 218, 388; Exhibit 7a, 449; Exhibit 7b, 450
San Francisco Chronicle, 107
Sander, August, Exhibit 12c, 490, 492, 493
Sanders, Bernie, 75
Sandler, Adam, 127, 158; Exhibit 11m, 485; Exhibit 13d, 503
Sandler, Herbert & Marion, Exhibit 24b, 527
Sanger Brothers (Sanger-Harris), 270–271, 275
Sanhedrin, 203, 395
Sanhuber, Otto, 365; Exhibit 23c, 520
Saperstein, Abe, 85–86
Saperstein, David I (and Suzanne), Exhibit 8a, 451
Sapir, Edward, 53
Sapir, Tamir, Exhibit 21a, 513
Sarah, 230
Sarah Lawrence, 50
Sarnak, Peter, Exhibit 3e, 428
Sarnoff, Abraham, 160–161
Sarnoff, David (General), 28, 110, 160, 160–165, 171; Exhibit 2b, 419; Exhibit 14a, 507; Exhibit 14b, 508
Sarnoff, Leah, 160
Sassoon, 207
Sassoon, Vidal, 303
SAT tests, 47–50, 182
Satz, Jay, 311
Saul, 232
Saul, Francis, 258
Saunders, Ernest, Exhibit 23d, 521
Savage, Michael, 175
scandals, financial involving Jews, 214–215, 224, 240, 255, 362, 366–368
Schaap, Dick, 867 175
Schaffner, Joseph, 190, 299
Schakowsky, Jan, 75
Schally, Andrew V., Exhibit 3b, 422
Schanberg, Sidney, 101
Schary, Dore, 102, 147; Exhibit 10e, 464
Schawlow, Arthur L., Exhibit 3a, 420
Schayes, Adoph (“Dolph”), 85
Scheckter, Ian, 88
Scheckter, Jody, 88
Scheckter, Tomas, 88
Scheinblum, Monte, 87
Scheinfeld, Aaron, 332
Schenck, Joseph, 150
Schenck, Nicholas, 144, 146–147, 150
Schenken, Howard, 91
Scherman, Harry, 110–111
Schiff, Adam, 75
Schiff, Jacob, 210, 235, 346
Schiff, Stacy, 101
Schlesinger, Benjamin, 347
Schlesinger, John, Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501
Schlesinger, Dr. Laura, 175
Schlesinger, Rae, 270
Schlesinger Sr., Arthur, 55
Schlessinger, Arthur, 342
Schlick, Moritz, Exhibit 2a, 415
Schnabel, Julian, Exhibit 12a, 488
Schneerson, rebbe Menachem Mendel, 290–291
Schneider, Rob, Exhibit 13d, 504
Schneiderman, Rose, 346, 351
Schnitzler, Arthur, Exhibit 2a, 414
Schoenberg, Arnold, 120, Exhibit 11d, 472
Schoeneweis, Scott, 83
Schoenheimer, Rudolf, Exhibit 2a, 416
Scholes, Myron S., Exhibit 7a, 449
Schönberg, Arnold, Exhibit 2a, 415
Schonberg, Claude-Michel, 121–2; Exhibit 11e, 473 (two plays); Exhibit 11f, 474
Schorr, Daniel, 101, 175
Schorske, Carl E., 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Schreker, Franz, Exhibit 2a, 415
Schulberg, Budd, 100
Schultz, Dutch (Arthur Flegenheimer), 362, 364; Exhibit 23b, 516
Schultz, Howard, 308
Schultz, Philip, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Schulz, Bruno, Exhibit 2a, 416
Schuman, William, Exhibit 2a, 417; Exhibit 11a, 467
Schumer, Charles, 74–5
Schuster, Max Lincoln, 111
Schusterman, Charles, 377
Schusterman, Lynn, Exhibit 21a, 511
Schwartz, Alan, 210
Schwartz, Barry, 297
Schwartz, Bernard, 76; Exhibit 8a, 451 (with Irene) Schwartz, Frederic, 134
Schwartz, Laurent, Exhibit 3d, 426
Schwartz, Melvin, Exhibit 3a, 420
Schwartz, Stephen, Exhibit 11e, 473 (two plays) Schwartzbard, Sholom, 345
Schwarz, Gerard, 119
Schwarzman, Stephen, 217, 250; Exhibit 21a, 510
Schwarzschild, Karl, Exhibit 2a, 415
Schweitzer, David R., 349
Schwerner, Michael, 348
Schwimmer, David, Exhibit 13d, 504
Schwinger, Julian, Exhibit 3a, 420
science, scientists, Jews as: Raphael Patai’s The Jewish Mind, 7, 382; author’s notion, 11; Mark Twain on , 16; Charles Murray’s Human Accomplishment on, 20–24; Time magazine, 28; Feynman, 29–31; Nobels, Albany Medical Center Prize and other scientific awards, 31–39; Edwin Land, 40–43;
inventors, 43–45; academia, 52–57; Nobel for Economic Sciences, 67–68; U.S. Jews and Science, 98; long prominence through years of Islamic rule, 130; Andrew Grove and high technology entrepreneurs, 176– 187; in Soviet Union, 288, 383; Chomsky on deconstruction and, 342; education and, 390; a pathway/
career open to Jews, 392; Enlightenment and Emancipation as spurs to Jews involvement in, and Europeans openness to working with Jews in, 395, 402
Scots and disproportionate achievement, 16, 25–26
Seagal, Steven, 158, Exhibit 13d, 504
The Seagram Company, 18, 143, 170, 191, 308–309
Sears, Richard Warren, 267, 370
Sears, Roebuck, 18, 189, 191, 209, 267–268, 275, 277, 319, 370 “second-generation Jewish immigrants” as explanation for disproportionate achievement), 15, 381–383, 396
Second Temple, 59, 96, 384, 398
secular, secularist, secular world, Jews as, or participating in: Patai, The Jewish Mind, 7; Emancipation, Enlightenment and Reform movement impact on, 15, 45, 234, 393, 395, 402; philanthropy and, 17, 374, 376, 379, 394; The Jazz Singer, Jolson, Jessel, the Warner brothers, on, 122, 137-139; Mendelssohn’s effect on , 130; Grove, 176; Zionists immigrants to Israel, 235, 404; Communism and, 287; Leviev and, 292-293; Jews as a culture or tribe, but not religious, large numbers of Jews as 398-405
Sedran, Barney, 85
Segal, Erich, 100
Segal, George, 132, Exhibit 12a, 488
Segall, Maurice, 279
Segel, Joseph, 285
Seghers, Anna (Radvanyi), Exhibit 2a, 416
Segrè, Emilio, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3a, 420
Seidenberg, Ivan, 193, 198
Seidler–Feller, Rabbi Chaim, 57
Seidman, Mike, 82
Seinfeld, Jerry, 127, 175; Exhibit 11m, 485
Seixas, Vic, 87
Sela, Dudi, 87
Seleucids, 232
Selig, Bud, 83-84
Selig, Martin, 258
Seligman, 19, 207
Seligman, J. & W., 19, 215
Seligman, Joseph, 215
Seligman Mutual Funds, 215
Selten, Reinhard, 68; Exhibit 7a, 449
Selwyn, Edgar, 146
Selznick, David O., 146, 155
Selznick, Lewis J., 145, 155
Semel, Terry, 19, 185
Senate, U.S. Jews in, 17, 73–77, 209, 271, 276, 329, 333
Sendak, Maurice, 100
Sephardic(s), 47, 130, 236, 385
Sepphoris, 130
Sequoia Capital, 222
Serkin, Rudolph (Rudolf), 120; Exhibit 11a, 467
Serling, Rod, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Serra, Richard, Exhibit 12a, 488
Service Employees international Union (SEIU), 348
Sevin, L. J., 221–222
Sevin-Rosen, 221–222
Seymour, David “Chim,” Exhibit 12c, 490, 492, 493
Shabbat, 391
Shaffer, Anthony, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464
Shaffer, Peter, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464 (two plays) Shahn, Ben, 131; Exhibit 2a, 416
Shamir, Adi, Exhibit 3f, 429
Shalit, Gene, 104
Shammai, 97, 388
Shandling, Garry, 127; Exhibit 11m, 485; Exhibit 13d, 505
Shanker, Albert, 347
Shapiro, Gurrah, 362–363
Shapiro, Harold T., 57
Shapiro, Irving, 188–189, 197
Shapiro, James, 321–322
Shapiro, Joseph, 321–322
Shapiro, Karl Jay, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Shapiro, Mark, 84
Shapiro, Robert, 322
Shapiro, Steven, 349
Sharansky, Natan, 292
Sharikov, Sergei, 89
Sharon, Ariel, 290, 352
Sharp, Phillip A., Exhibit 3b, 422
Sharper Image, 282–283
Shatner, William, 175
Shaw, Artie, 124; Exhibit 11i, 480; Exhibit 11l, 484
Shaw, David E. (and Beth K.), Exhibit 8a, 452
Shaw, Irwin, 100
Shawn, William, 109
Shayevich, rabbi Adolf, 292
Sheehan, Susan, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Sheeny Gang, 364
Shelah, Saharon, Exhibit 3e, 428
Sheldon, Sidney, 100
Shell Oil Company, 19, 324
Shenberg, Margaret, 145
Sherman, Allen, 127
Sherman, Brad, 75
Sherman, Cindy, 132; Exhibit 12a, 488; Exhibit 12c, 490, 492, 493
Sherry, Norm, 80
Shimkin, Leon, 111
Shimmon, David J., Exhibit 8a, 451
Shirer, William, 10, 166
Shleifer, Andrei, Exhibit 7b, 450
Shoah (see also Holocaust), 10
shopping centers, Jews conceived, developed, or owned, 135, 244–245, 251–255, 267
Shore, Dinah, 124, 175; Exhibit 14b, 508
Shorenstein, Doug, 257
Shorenstein, Walter H., 257; Exhibit 8a, 451; Exhibit 21a, 513
The Shorenstein Company, 257
Shubow, Justin, 51
Shulman, Max, 104
Shuster, Joe, 104
Shvidler, Evgeny (Eugene), Exhibit 21a, 511
Siebel, Thomas M., Exhibit 8a, 452, Sieff, Edward, 276
Sieff, Marcus, 276
Siegal, Norman, 349
Siegel, Benjamin “Bugsy,” 316, 362–364; Exhibit 23b, 516
Siegel, Don, Exhibit 13b, 500
Siegel, Herbert, Exhibit 21a, 513
Siegel, Jerry, 104
Siegel, Martin, Exhibit 23d, 522
sightholder(s), 289–290
Sigman, Morris, 347
Signet Group Plc, 294–295
Sills, Beverly, 120; Exhibit 11a, 467
Silverman, Fred, 167, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Silverman, Sally, 295
Silverman, Samuel, 295
Silverman, Sime, 109
Silvers, Phil, 127, 175
Silvers, Robert, 109
Silverstein, Klara, 242
Silverstein, Larry, 242
Silverstein, Lisa, 242
Silverstein, Roger, 242
Silverstein, Shel, 104
Silverstein Family, Silverstein Properties, 241–242, 245
Silverstone, Alicia, Exhibit 13d, 504
Simmons, Colonel Arthur “Bull,” 62
Simon & Schuster, 18, 111, 113, 168
Simon, Bob, 112
Simon, Bren (with Melvin), Exhibit 8a, 452
Simon, David, 251–253
Simon, Fred, 251
Simon, Herbert, 86, 251; Exhibit 21a, 513
Simon, Herbert A. 52; Exhibit 3f, 429; Exhibit 7a, 449
Simon, Joe, 104
Simon, Julian, 69, 101, 388
Simon, Leon, Exhibit 3e, 428
Simon, Max, 251
Simon, Melvin, 86, 238, 251–253; Exhibit 21a, 511
Simon, Neil, 102, 122; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 10e, 464 (three plays); Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11e, 473 (two plays) Simon, Norton, 303, 310
Simon, Paul, 123–124; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11g, 475, 476 (two awards); Exhibit 11l, 484 (with Art Garfunkel) Simon, Richard Leo, 111
Simon Property Group, née Melvin Simon & Associates (SPG), 249, 251–255
Simons, James, Exhibit 21a, 510
Simplicity Pattern Company, 321–322
Simpson, Louis, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Sinai, Yakov G., Exhibit 3e, 428
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 98, 100, 112, 116; Exhibit 10a, 459
Singer, Isaac M., 296; Exhibit 2a, 414
Singer, Isadore M., Exhibit 3e, 428 (two awards) Singer sewing machine, 192, 296
Siskel, Gene, 104
Siskind, Aaron, Exhibit 12c, 492, 493
The Six-Day War, 10, 58–59, 376
Skidmore College, 50
skills, autonomy, and independence, emphasis on: cultural requirements for, 14-15, 391–392; Edwin Land on autonomy, 41; literacy and writing skills, 96–99; Alfred Knopf on autonomy, 110; Simon & Schuster on autonomy, 111; Roger Straus on autonomy, 112; Rothschild credo, 204; requisite skills for finance, 206–207; Diaspora, education and careers open to Jews, 235; requisite skills for retailing, 260; requisite skills for garment industry, 296; entrepreneurial skills, 304; Bella Abzug and independence, 351; attitude about receiving welfare 373; effect of literacy and education on farming skills/interest, 385; verbal skills 389, Skoll, Jeff, 19, 181, 184, 187; Exhibit 15a, 509; Exhibit 24b, 527
Skunkworks (at Lockheed), 42, 63
Slanger, Frances, 61
Slatkin, Leonard, 119; Exhibit 11b, 468, 469
Slezkine, Yuri (The Jewish Century), 286, 288, 355, 383
Slim-Fast, 18, 310
Sloan, Harry, 152
Slovo, Joe, 345
Smashnova, Anna, 87
Smirnoff, Yakov, 127
Smith, Charles E., 249–50
Smith, David Bruce, 250
Smith, Robert H., 250
Smith, Willie, Exhibit 11i, 480
Smolensky, Alexander, 359–361
Smyslov, Vasily, 90
Snellenburgs, 264
Snyder, Dan, 82, 187, 335–336; Exhibit 15a, 509
Snyder, Harold, Exhibit 8a, 452
Snyder, Dr. Solomon H., 35
Snyder Communications, 335–336
Sobel-Smith, Helen, 91
Sobell, Morton, 356–357
Sobieski, Leelee, Exhibit 13d, 504
socialism, socialist(s), Jews as/and:
immigrants from Pale to America and Palestine, 189, 235, 237; Ted Arison on Israel and 317–318; Chomsky on 338–40; history of, 343–345
society and advice columnists, Jews as, 104
Sokolnikov, Grigory, 287
Solomon, 232
Solomon, Harold, 87
Solomon, Sidney, 264
Solomont, Alan D. (and Susan L.), Exhibit 8a, 452
Solow, Robert M., 52, 67; Exhibit 7a, 449; Exhibit 7b, 450
Solow, Sheldon Henry, 238, 246–247; Exhibit 21a, 512
Solow, Stefan, 247
Solow Building Company, 246–247
Solti, Sir George (Georg), 119–120; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11b, 468; Exhibit 11l, 484
Sondheim, Stephen, 102, 121; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11f, (five plays) song plugger, 148
Sontag, Susan, 100
Soros, George, 217; Exhibit 21a, 510; Exhibit 24b, 527
Sotheby’s, 255
South Philadelphia Hebrew Association (SPHAS or Spas”), 84
Soutine, Chaim, 129–132, 287; Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 12a, 488
Soviet Union, Soviets, USSR and Jews (See also communism, Russia, the Pale and, Stalin): Fields Medals and, 42; cosmonauts, 63; Marx and, 69; basketball, 85; fencing, 89; chess, 90; Khaldei and, 133; WWII casualties against, post WWII Soviet control of Hungary, 176–177; Sergey Brin and, 182; George Soros and, 217; emigration from the Pale to, 235; Lev Leviev, Slezkine’s The Jewish Century, Stalin and Jews, 286–293, 383; Armand Hammer and, 326; Chomsky on, 340; Soviet Communism, 344; international Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 352; history and failure of, 355–356; spies for, 356–358; emergence of oligarchs following, 358–361; Mega and emigration from, 376–377; large numbers of Soviet Jews immigrate to Israel, 399–401
Sowell, Thomas, 191, 296, 362, 388, 390–391, 394, 409
Spanish Inquisition, 130, 234, 236, 364–365, 400, 402–403
Spark, Muriel, 100
Spartacus League, 344
Spassky, Boris, 90
Specter, Arlen, 74
Spector, Phil, 123–124; Exhibit 11g, 475
Spelling, Aaron, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Speyer, 207
Speyer, Jerry, 238, 244–246; Exhibit 21a, 512
Speyer, Rob, 245
Spiegal, Mike, 349
Spiegel, Sam (aka S. P. Eagle), 150, 155–156
Spiegelman, Art, 101, 104
Spielberg, Steven, 26–28, 116, 142–143, 153–155, 157, 377; Exhibit 2b, 419 (two lists); Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 13a, 498 (two Oscars); Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 501–502 (five films); Exhibit 13e, 506; Exhibit 21a, 511
spies, Jews as, 356–358
Spilborghs, Ryan, 83
Spingarn, Joel Elias, 348
Spinoza, Baruch de, 17, 54, 236, 387, 395; Exhibit 2a, 414
Spira, Henry, 352
Spiras, 207
Spitz, Mark, 88
Spitzer, Eliot, 194, 218
Spivak, Lawrence, 175
sports broadcasters, Jews as, 86
Spring, Arthur, 348
Springer, Jerry, 175
squash players, Jews as, 87–88
St John, Jill, 175
St. Louis Post Dispatch, 18, 107
St. Paul, (See Saint Paul) Stahl, Lesley, 175
Stalin, Joseph, and Jews (See also Soviet Union, Russia, and communism):
Trotsky’s murder, 93; Leviev and 286–293; Stalin and the early Bolshevik Jewish leaders, 344; Marxism, communism, Stalin, and spies, 354–8; history, irony of oligarchs in light of Stalinist repression, 358–361
Stamberg, Susan, Exhibit 14a, 507
Stanford University, Stanford Business School, Stanford Law School, 17, 35, 52–53, 56, 65, 73, 180, 182–185
Stang, Arnold, 127
Starbucks, 18, 308
Stark, Ray, 214
Starr, Harry, 47
Starr, Paul, Exhibit 10c, 462
State and Local Government Employees Union, 348
Stearns, Robert, 210
Steel, Danielle, 100
Steely Dan, Exhibit 11g, 476
Stefanos, Leo and Mike, 307
Steig, Will, 104
Stein, Ben, 127
Stein, Elias, Exhibit 3e, 428 (two lists) Stein, Gertrude, 100; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 22a, 514
Stein, Herb, 69
Stein, Joel, 152
Stein, Joseph, Exhibit 11f, 474
Stein, Jules, 143
Stein, Seymour, 123; Exhibit 11g, 476
Stein, William H., Exhibit 3c, 424
Steinberg, Joel, 365; Exhibit 23c, 520
Steinberg, Joseph, 225; Exhibit 21a, 513
Steinberg, William, Exhibit 11b, 468, 469
Steinberger, David, 113
Steinberger, Jack, Exhibit 3a, 420
Steinem, Gloria, 20, 101, 351; Exhibit 22a, 514
Steiner, David S. (and Sylvia), Exhibit 8a, 451
Steiner, Jack, 63
Steinhardt, Michael, 217, 377
Steinhardt Partners, Steinhardt, Fine, Berkowitz & Co, 19, 217
Steinmetz, Charles, Exhibit 2a, 415
Steinitz, William, 90–91
Sterling, Donald, 86
Stern, Andrew, 348
Stern, Benjamin, 267
Stern, Bernard, 267
Stern, Bert, Exhibit 12c, 492
Stern, Bill, 175; Exhibit 14a, 507
Stern, David, 83, 85
Stern, Edward, 246, 319
Stern, Emanuel, 246, 319
Stern, Howard, 175
Stern, Irving, 267
Stern, Isaac (violinist), 120; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11l, 484
Stern, Isaac (Stern Brothers), 267
Stern, Leonard, 238, 246, 319; Exhibit 21a, 510
Stern, Louis, 267
Stern, M. A., 267
Stern, Max, 246, 318–319
Stern, Melville, 267
Stern, Otto, Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3a, 421
Stern, Robert A. M., 135; Exhibit 12d, 495
Stern, Sophia, 267
Sternberg, Seymour G. (Sy), 193, 196
Sternberg, Stuart, 84
Sternfield, Joel, Exhibit 12c 492
Sterns (Stern Brothers), 267
Stevens, Rise, 120; Exhibit 11a, 467
Stewart, Jon, 126–127; Exhibit 11m, 485
Stieglitz, Alfred, 133, 133; Exhibit 12c, 490, 492, 492, 493
Stiglitz, Joseph E., Exhibit 7a, 449; Exhibit 7b, 450
Stiller, Ben, 126–127, 158; Exhibit 13d, 503
Stiller, Jerry, 127
Stockton, Dick, 86
Stoller, Mike, 123; Exhibit 11e, 473; Exhibit 11g, 475
Stolman, Ed, 307, 409
Stone, I. F. (“Izzy”), 101, 389
Stone, Irving, 100
Stone, Oliver, 157; Exhibit 13a, 498 (two films); Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 502
Stoppard, Tom, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464, 465 (four Tonys) Stowe, Dorothy, 351
Stowe, Irving, 351–352
Strand, Mark, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Strand, Paul, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 492, 493
Stransky, Josef, Exhibit 11b, 468
Strasburger, Eduard, Exhibit 2a, 414
Strauss, Harry, 363–364; Exhibit 23b, 517
Straus, Herbert, 263
Straus, Ida, 262–263
Straus, Isidor, 262–264
Straus, Jack, 263
Straus, Jesse, 263
Straus, Kenneth, 263
Straus, Lazarus, 262
Straus, Nathan, 262–264
Straus, Oscar (Macy’s), 111, 262
Straus, Oscar (composer), 120
Straus, Percy, 263–264
Straus, Ralph, 263
Straus, Robert K., 263
Straus, Roger, 18, 111–112
Straus, Sara, 262
Strauss, Harry, 363–364; Exhibit 23b, 517
Strauss, Johann, Exhibit 11d, 472
Strauss, Levi, 44–45, 296–297; Exhibit 4a, 432; Exhibit 4b, 439
Streisand, Barbra, 114, 114–118, 126, 158; Exhibit 11l, 484 (two awards); Exhibit 13d, 503; Exhibit 13e, 506
Streisand, Diana, 114
Streisand, Emanuel, 114
Streisand, Sheldon, 114
Strom, Earl, 85
Strossen, Nadine, 349
Strouse, Charles, Exhibit 11e, 473
Strousberg, 207
Strug, Kerri, 88
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 349
Styne Jule, Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 11f, 474
Stuyvesant, Peter, 189, 236
Suburban Cable, 169
Suess, Eduard, Exhibit 2a, 414
Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 105
Sulzberger, Arthur Jr., 105
Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, 105
Summers, Lawrence H., 57, 69–70, 76; Exhibit 7b, 450
Sun Alliance Insurance Company, 202
Sun Capital Partners, 282–283
SunAmerica, 240
Supreme Court and Jewish justices, 17, 76–77
Susann, Jacqueline, 100
Susskind, David, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Susskind, Walter, Exhibit 11b, 469
Sussman, Donald S., Exhibit 8a, 452
Sutro & Co, 220
Sutro, Adolph, 258
Svevo, Italo (Schmitz), Exhibit 2a, 414
Sverdlov, Yakov, 344, 355–356
Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences, 67
Swartz, Jeffrey, 300
Swartz, Mark H., Exhibit 23d, 522
Swartz, Nathan, 300
Swartz, Sidney, 300
Swieca, Henry, Exhibit 21a, 513
Swig, Benjamin, 257–258, 314
Swig, Kent, 257–258
Swig, Melvin, 257–258
Swig, Richard, 257–258, 314
Swig, Weiler, Swig Company, Swig Equities, 257
swimming, Olympic, Jews in, 88–89
Swope, Herbert B., 101
Sylvester, James, Exhibit 2a, 414
Szell, George, 119; Exhibit 11b, 469
Szilard, Leo, 17, 53; Exhibit 2a, 416

• TOP •


Tagliabue, Paul, 82
Tal, Mikhail, 90
Talmud: Raphael Patai on “the wall of Talmudic learning,” 7, 23, 395; as laws, 11; as a form of Judaism, focus of schooling, yeshivas, debate, evolving thought and reason, rationalism, foundation for customs, 13–15, 23; mothers’ aspirations for Saul Bellow and David Sarnoff, 93, 160; history of, core document, one element of Rabbinic demand for literacy and education of Jews, 96–97, 233, 259–260, 389, 398, 404; scholars early views on charging interest, 205; possible effect of Talmudic literacy on Jews as farmers, 236; Talmud on independence, autonomy, charitable duties/tzedakah, 373; intellectual challenges of and possible effect on self selection of Jews for IQ, 385; constant rationalization in changing circumstances facilitated by 387; a record of, and facilitator of debate, 388; Karaites and, 402
Tamm, Igor, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3a, 420
Tanakh (See also Hebrew Bible, and Jewish Bible), 10, 15, 96
Tannenbaum, Albert, 364
Tartikoff, Brandon, 142, 173; Exhibit 14b, 508
Taub, Henry, 332–333
Taub, Joe, 333
Taub, Marilyn, 333
Taub, Morris, 332
Taubman, A. Alfred, 238–239, 255, 367; Exhibit 21a, 512; Exhibit 23d, 522; Exhibit 23e, 524
Taubman, Robert, 255
Taubman Centers Inc., 253, 255
Taussig, Helen, Exhibit 2a, 416
tax farming, tax collection and Jews, 206, 234–235
Taylor, Elizabeth, 156, 158; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 13d, 504; Exhibit 13e, 506 (two awards) Teamsters union, 347
Tedlow, Richard S., 190, 193
television and Jews, 18, 43, 44, 160–175
Television Hall of Fame, 165
television retailing and Jews, 18, 284–285
Teller, Edward, 44–45, 388; Exhibit 4a, 430; Exhibit 4b, 442
Teller, Raymond Joseph, 128
Teltscher, Eliot, 87
Telushkin, Rabbi Joseph, 373–374, 397
Temin, Howard M., Exhibit 3b, 422
Temple(s) first and second, and destruction of, 59, 96, 231–233, 259, 384, 389, 398, 403
ten northern tribes (ten lost tribes), 14, 96, 232, 259, 384, 398, 400
tenacity and Jews (See also Land, Friedman, Streisand, Grove, Sarnoff, Ellison, etc.), 390, 392–393
Tenant, George, 76
tennis players, Jews as, 87
Tepper, David, Exhibit 21a, 512
Terkel, Studs, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Thalberg, Irving, 146
Thalheimer, Richard, 282–283
Thalheimer’s, 273 “the Other,” 12, 14, 402
Third Avenue Funds, 218–219
Thomas, Michael Tilson, 119; Exhibit 11b, 468, 469, 470
Thomas H. Lee Co., 19, 216
Thompson Medical Company, 310
Three Stooges, 126–127, 149
tikkun olam, 13, 343, 350, 372, 374, 376, 381, 394
Timberland, 300
Time Warner, 18, 139, 147, 150, 163, 169–70, 195, 214, 224
Timerman, Jacobo, 101
Tisch, Andrew, 226
Tisch, James S., 226
Tisch, Joan, Exhibit 21a, 510
Tisch, Jonathan, 226; Exhibit 8a, 452
Tisch, Laurence A., 166, 194–195, 225–226, 314, 377
Tisch, Robert Preston, 194, 226, 315
Tisch, Steve, 82
Tisch, Wilama, Exhibit 21a, 511
Tisch Family, 225–226
Tishman, Alan V. 245–246
Tishman, Daniel R., 245
Tishman, David, 244–245
Tishman, John L., 245–246
Tishman, Julius, 244
Tishman, Louis, 244
Tishman, Norman, 244
Tishman, Robert, 245
Tishman, Robert V., 245
Tishman–Speyer, Tishman Realty and Construction, Tishman Management and Leasing Company, Tishman– Speyer Properties, 244–245
TJX Companies/Zayre, 278–279
Tobey, David, 85
Tobin, Gary, 374–376, 378
Todd, Mike (née Abe [Avram]
Hirsch Goldbogen), 156
Todd, Mike Jr., 156
Todd-AO, 156
Todman, Bill, 172
Toffler, Alvin, 101
tolerance, Jews and, 388–389, 405
Toller, Ernst, Exhibit 2a, 416
Tomb of the Patriarchs, 230
Tony Awards 102, 115, 117
Torah (see also Pentateuch): with Talmud, a foundation for study, debate, of religion, culture, and customs, 14–15, 402; history of, canonization, contrast with Oral Law, part of the means to preserve the religion and culture across the miles and time, 96–97, 233, 404; usury and, 204–205, 259; Warren Hellman and, 220; suggestion that written Talmud and Torah together with the demand for literacy/
education led to self selection of Jews for certain skills and high IQ levels, 236, 384–385, 387; kosher and, 391; definition, 400
Tormé, Mel, 124; Exhibit 11h, 477 (two Grammys); Exhibit 11i, 480; Exhibit 11l, 484
Torres, Dara, 88
toys and games, Jewish entrepreneurs in , 195, 278, 279–280, 312–313
Toys “R” Us, 195, 278–280, 282
track and field, Olympic, Jews in, 88–89
traders, Jews as, 206, 259–261
traitors and spies, Jews as or alleged to be, 234, 354, 356–358
Traub, Marvin, 266
Tress, Arthur, Exhibit 12c, 492
Triangle Shirt-waist Factory fire, 346
Tribe, Laurence, 55
Trillin, Calvin, 104
Trilling, Lionel, 101
Trotsky, Leon, 93, 287, 344, 355–356, 388
Truffaut, Francois, 157; Exhibit 13b, 500
Tuchman, Barbara, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462 (two prizes) Turner, Ted, 147, 166, 170, 360, 378
Turow, Scott, 100, 389
Twain, Mark, 16, 94, 97
twelve tribes, 232, 398
Twentieth Century-Fox, 140, 144–145, 168, 185, 214, 328
Tzara, Tristan, Exhibit 2a, 416
Tzedakah, 13, 295, 343, 372–374, 376, 394, 405

• TOP •


U. S. Healthcare, 319–320
Uelsmann, Jerry N., Exhibit 12c, 491, 492, 493
Uhry, Alfred, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 10e, 464
Ulmann, Doris, Exhibit 12c, 492
ultra-Orthodox, 231, 393, 399, 401, 404, 406
unions, Jews and, 345–347, 363
Unite Here (labor union), 347
United Artists (UA), 140–141, 147, 150, 153
United Federation of Teachers (UFT), 348
United Jewish Appeal (UJA), 226, 246, 247, 376
Universal Pictures, Universal Studios, 140, 142–143, 146, 148, 151, 152, 153
University of California Berkeley (UC), 51, 52, 54, 55, 177, 194, 197, 220, 310, 349
University of Chicago 52–53, 55, 65, 93, 95, 183, 226–227, 253, 268, 371
Unterberg, Thomas, 215
Unterberg Towbin, C. E., 215
urban culture of the Jewish people (See city dwellers, Jews as and urban people) Uris, Harold, 247
Uris, Leon, 10, 100
Uris, Percy, 247
Uris Brothers, 247
U.S. News and World Report, 50–51, 56, 251
usury, 204–205, 260, 387

• TOP •


Vadasz, Les, 177, 409
Valenstein, Larry, 335
Van Buren, Abigail (“Abby”), 104
Vanderbilt University, 9, 46–47, 51
Vane, John R., Exhibit 3b, 422
Varmus, Harold E., Exhibit 3b, 422
Vassar College, 50
The Velvet Underground, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475
The Venetian Hotel, 317
verges and Jews, 387–388, 403
Vernon, Lillian (née Menasche), 282, 283
Vesco, Robert, Exhibit 23d, 522; Exhibit 23e, 524
Viacom, 18, 111, 142, 153, 163, 166, 168, 169, 185, 193, 196–197, 214
Vidal Sassoon, 303
Viking Press, 112
violent criminals and assassins, Jews as, 365, 391
Visser, Lesley, 86
visual arts and artists, Jew as, 129–132
Vitaphone, 137–139, 144
Viterbi, Andrew, 186
Vogel, Paula, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Volterra, Vito, Exhibit 2a, 414
Volynov, Boris, 63
von Mises, Ludwig, 70
von Neumann, John, 17, 53, 56, 69–70; Exhibit 2a, 416 (two lists, mathematics and technology) Exhibit 3e, 428
von Sternberg, Josef, Exhibit 13b, 500
von Stroheim, Erich, Exhibit 13b, 500
Von Sommer, Emil, 60
Voss, Rich, 127

• TOP •


Wachner, Linda, 300
Wagner, Paula, 150
Waksal, Samuel, Exhibit 23d, 521
Waksman, Selman, 34; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3b, 422
Wald, George, 65; Exhibit 3b, 422
Walker, Rebecca, 101, 351
Wallace, Chris, 175
Wallace, Irving, 100
Wallace, Mike, 175; Exhibit 14b, 508
Wallach, Otto, Exhibit 2a, 414; Exhibit 3c, 425
Wallenstein, Alfred, Exhibit 11b, 468
Walt Disney Company, 140, 151–152, 173
Walter, Bruno, 119; Exhibit 11b, 468
Walter A. Haas School of Business, 220
Walters, Barbara, 175; Exhibit 14b, 508; Exhibit 22a, 514 “wandering Jew(s),” 233, 237
Warburg, Eric, 212
Warburg, Felix, 210
Warburg, Freddy 210
Warburg, Otto Heinrich, Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3b, 423
Warburg, Paul, 71, 210, 212, Warburgs, W. S. Warburg, M. M.
Warburg, Warburg & Company, S. G. Warburg, E.M. Warburg, Pincus, Warburg Pincus, 19, 208, 210, 212
Warburg, Siegmund, 210, 212
Warnaco, 300
Warner, Albert, 137–139, 149
Warner, Harry, 137–139, 149
Warner, Jack, 137–139, 149, 154
Warner, Sam, 137–139, 149
Warner Bros. Pictures (also Warner Brothers), Warner Communications, Warner-Seven Arts, Warner Brothers Entertainment: The Jazz
Singer, family/studio history, Vitaphone sound system, 137– 139; list of major studios, 140; Fox sound system versus Vitaphone, 144; Turner and early Warner film collection, 147; Warner history, 149–50; Barry Meyer and, 152; Orion Pictures and, 153; Kubrick, Clockwork Orange, and, 155; television networks and programming, 165, 167; Warner-Seven Arts, Steven Ross and, 170; Terry Semel and, 185; Gerald Levin and, 195
Wartels, Nathan (Nat), 112
Washington, George, 74, 237
Washington Post (Group), 18, 50, 70, 105–106, 185, 210
Wasserman, Lew, 143; Exhibit 8a, 453 (with Edith); Exhibit 14b, 508
Wassermann, August von, Exhibit 2a, 415
Wassermann, Jakob, Exhibit 2a, 415
Wasserstein & Co., 213
Wasserstein, Bruce, 109, 211, 212–213
Wasserstein, Wendy, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463; Exhibit 10e, 464
Wasserstein Perella, 212–213, 252
Wattenberg, Ben, 101
Waxman, Henry, 75
Wayne, Justin, 83
Weather Underground (Weathermen), 349
Webb and Knapp, 248
Wechsler & Abraham, 262, 264
Wechsler, Joseph, 264
Weegee (Arthur Fellig), Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 492, 493
Wegmann, William, Exhibit 12c, 492
Weidman, Jerome, 100, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Weight Watchers, 18, 311
Weil, André, Exhibit 3e, 428
Weiler, Jack D., 257–258
Weill, Alexander, 210
Weill, Kurt, Exhibit 2a, 416
Weill, Sanford I., 193–195, 197–198, 208, 210–212; Exhibit 21a, 512; Exhibit 23d, 521; Exhibit 24b, 527
Wein, George, 124
Wein/Malkin families, 249
Weinberg, Sidney, 209
Weinberg, Steven, Exhibit 3a, 420
Weinberger, Ed, 174
Weinberger, William, 351
Weiner, Anthony, 75
Weiner, Jonathan, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Weiner, Lee, 350
Weingarten, Randi, 348
Weinglass, Leonard, 350
Weinstein, Harvey, 152–153; Exhibit 8a, 453 (Eve with Harvey) Weinstein, Max, 152
Weinstein, Miriam, 152
Weinstein, Robert, 152–153
Weinstein brothers, 152–153
Weinstein Company, 153
Weisbach, Louis (with Ruth), Exhibit 8a, 452
Weiss, Mendy, 364
Weiss, Peter, 102; Exhibit 10e, 464
Weiss, Stephan, 298
Weisz, Rachel, Exhibit 13d, 505
Welch’s Grape Juice, 309
Wellstone, Paul, 75
Wenner, Jann, 109, 123–124; Exhibit 11g, 476
Werfel, Franz, Exhibit 2a, 416
Werner, Tom, 174; Exhibit 14b, 508
Wertheimer, 207
Wertheimer, Jack, 375
Wertheims, 207
West, Nathanael, 100, Exhibit 2a, 416
Westfield Group, 254
Westfield LLC, 251
Westheimer, Dr. Ruth, 104
Wexler, Jerry, 123; Exhibit 11g, 475
Wexler, Robert, 75
Wexner, Bella Cabakoff, 280
Wexner, Harry, 280
Wexner, Leslie H., 195, 197, 280, 376–377; Exhibit 21a, 511
Wharton Business School, 110, 169, 196, 197, 214, 217, 224, 250, 253, 265
White, Shelby, Exhibit 24b, 527
White, Theodore, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Whitehall, 18
Whitehorn, Laura, 350
Whitman (M. J.) & Company, 218–219
Whitman, Martin (M.J.), 218–19
Wieder, Judy, 351
Wiener, Norbert, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3, 428
Wiesel, Elie, 78, 100, 343; Exhibit 8c, 456
Wigner, Eugene, Exhibit 2a, 416; Exhibit 3a, 420
Wilder, Billy, 155, 157; Exhibit 11a, 467; Exhibit 13a, 498, 499 (two films); Exhibit 13b, 500 (two lists); Exhibit 13c, 501, 502 (four films); Exhibit 13e, 506
Wilder, Gene, 127; Exhibit 11m, 485
Wildhorn, Frank, Exhibit 11e, 473
Wilf, Zygi, 82
Williams, C. K., 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Willingness to be different by Jews, 392–393
Willstatter, Richard, 36; Exhibit 2a, 415; Exhibit 3c, 425
Wilpon, Fred, 84
Winant, Ethel, 174; Exhibit 14b, 508
Winchell, Walter, 104, 364
Winger, Debra, Exhibit 13d, 505
Winkler, Henry, 175
Winnick, Gary, Exhibit 8a, 452 (with Karen B.); Exhibit 23d, 522
Winograd, Gary, Exhibit 12c, 490, 491, 492, 494
Winter, Elmer, 332
Winters, Shelley, 158
Wise, Stephen, 349
Wise, Tim, 353
Witkin, Joel-Peter, Exhibit 12c, 492, 494
Witten, Edward, 53; Exhibit 3d, 426
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 54, Exhibit 2a, 416
Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the World), 344, 346
Wolf, Blanche, 110
Wolf, Chuck, 283–284
Wolf, David, 63
Wolf, Helen, 112
Wolf, Kurt, 112
Wolf, Naomi, 101, 351
Wolf, Dr. Ricardo, 38
Wolf, Tobias, 100
Wolf Camera, 283–284
Wolf Prize in Mathematics, 38
Wolf Prize in Medicine, 35
Wolfe, Abraham, 62
Wolfe, Nero, 172
Wolfe, Tom, 109, 112
Wolfensohn & Co, 228
Wolfensohn, James, 227–228
Wolff, Bobby, 91
Wolff, Lewis, 84
Wolff, Milton, 62
Wolfowitz, Paul 76
Wolfshiem, Meyer, 362
Wolfson, Alan Z, Exhibit 23d, 523
Wolpe, Rabbi David, 366
Wolper, David, 174; Exhibit 14b, 508
women’s suffrage and feminism, Jews as leaders of, 351
Workman, Charlie, 364
World Bank, 105, 224, 227–228
World Series, Jews and the, 80–81, 83–84, 362
World Trade Center, Jews and the:
architects for, 134–135; Cantor Fitzgerald, 213; Lerner’s Cleveland Browns Heroes Fund providing aid to rescuers at, 229; Silverstein and, 242; Goldman and, 244; Tishman and, 245; Steven Roth and, 250; Westfield’s and 254; Reichmann’s World Financial Center, 256; Kroll’s advice regarding, 335
Wouk, Herman, 99–100; Exhibit 10b, 461
wrestling, professional, Jews in, 88
writers, Jewish, 92–104, 288–289
Wyden, Ron, 74
Wyle, Noah, Exhibit 13d, 505
Wyler, William, Exhibit 13a, 498, 499 (three films); Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501, 502, (three films); Exhibit 13e, 506
Wynn, Ed, 127, 175
Wynn, Steve, 316–17; Exhibit 21a, 510
Wynn Resorts and Mirage Resorts, 18, 316, 318

• TOP •


Yahoo, 19, 135, 171, 181, 185, 187, 222, 224
Yale University, Yale Law School, 17, 50–51, 53, 55–57, 105, 113, 186, 219, 244, 246, 265
Yalow, Rosalyn, Exhibit 3b, 422
Yaroslavsky, Yemelyan, 344
Yellen, Mike, 88
Yentl, 116
Yeolson, Moshe Reuben, 137
Yergin, Daniel, 101; Exhibit 10c, 462
Yeshiva: Talmudic/Torah based education, 14, 389, 398; Mayer Amschel Rothschild and, 199, 202; Rudin family and Volozhin, 243; Leviev and, 289; Max Factorowitz and, 302; Joshua Lionel Cowen and, 312; Max Stern honor at Yeshiva University, 319; Bernard Madoff on Board of Yeshiva University, 366
Yiddish theater, 79, 121
YMCA, 268, 281, 369, 371
Yoffe, Adolf, 355–356
Yom Kippur, 80–81, 86, 138–139, 161
Yorkin, Bud, 174; Exhibit 14b, 508
Youkilis, Kevin, 83–84
Youngman, Henny, 127
Youth International Party (YIPPIES), 350
Yulee, David Levy, 75

• TOP •


Zacharias, James, 307
Zacharias, Richard, 307–308
Zagier, Don B., Exhibit 3e, 428
Zakkai, Yochanan ben, 401
Zale, Morris, 294
Zale, William, 294
Zales, 18, 294–295
Zamenhof, Ludwig L., 54
Zariski, Oscar, Exhibit 3e, 428 (two lists) Zaritsky, Max, 347
Zaturenska, Marya, 103; Exhibit 10f, 466
Zeckendorf, William, 248, 257
Zell, Sam, 84, 238, 248–50; Exhibit 21a, 510
Zelmanov, Efim, 17, 53; Exhibit 3d, 426
Zemeckis, Robert, Exhibit 13c, 502
Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 368
Ziegfeld, Florenz, 126
Ziegler, Mel, 279
Ziff, Bernard, 108
Ziff, William Jr., 108
Ziff, Daniel, Exhibit 21a, 510
Ziff Davis, 18, 108
Ziff, Dirk, Exhibit 21a, 510
Ziff, Robert, Exhibit 21a, 510
Zimbalist, Efrem Jr., 175
Zimmer, George, 281
Zimmer, Robert, 281
Zimmerman, Gerhardt, 119
Zindel, Paul, 102; Exhibit 10d, 463
Zinman, David, Exhibit 11b, 468, 469
Zinnemann, Fred, Exhibit 13a, 498; Exhibit 13b, 500; Exhibit 13c, 501 (two films) Zinoviev, Grigori, 287, 344, 355–356
Zionism, 234, 338, 344, 353, 370, 399
Zobel, Robert, 216
Zoll, Paul M., 17, 44; Exhibit 4a, 431, 433 (two inventions); Exhibit 4b, 442
Zucker, Jeff, 152
Zuckerman, Mort, 101, 238, 251, 335–336; Exhibit 21a, 511
Zweig, Stefan, Exhibit 2a, 415
Zwillman, Abner “Longy,” 364
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